As you get older, you really just want to be surrounded by good people, people that are good for your soul. There might not be that many people you'd want to continue to interact with as time goes on.
Since things had calmed down, I sent an email to a woman I hadn't heard from in a while to give her a quick update. She lives in Michigan and appeared on this blog as "a lady in Detroit". A little time passed after I sent her the message.
One afternoon in early December, I received an email from her. To my surprise, she's visiting Japan with her husband and was in Roppongi at the moment! Luckily, I was at home. She offered to come to whichever location I preferred for a drink, so I thought it would be a good idea for them to come to my area because it's fairly close to where they were now. I was stoked about the sudden event! It was definitely a pleasant surprise.
It had been over six years since we met in Michigan. I'm glad her husband liked the ambiance of the bar. He told me he knew another branch, Devil Craft Kanda. (The place where we enjoyed the conversation over Craft Beer that evening was Devil Craft Gotanda.) They had just arrived in Japan the day before yesterday and must have been a bit jet-lagged, but I wanted them to come to my apartment. It's the fact that it was just a short walk away. They've invited Collie & me to their home in Michigan in the past. So it'd be so nice if they'd stop by my new place to live even for a short time!
The couple paid the bill kindly at the bar, so I bought their choice of beers at NATURAL LAWSON on the first floor of the same building so we could drink them in my apartment. It was a small way to say thank you.
The time flied quickly as we chatted. I'm sorry for them because it got late, although I said just a quick drink at my place. But it was a really good opportunity. I'm glad they could come. Later I told Collie more about catching up with the couple to fill him in.
I still have cans of their beer choices with the happy memory. Lady Detroit's husband said, "Let's get the four of us together again!". Truly, I can't wait for the day to come, in Michigan, or in Tokyo.
That day I got to hear valuable input. It was something so valuable that it would become one of my core values in life. In the hope of meeting again, I improve myself.
No one can predict the future. Just do what you can manage. Everything you felt you'd lost will be replaced with something better. Stay true to who you are, and you'll attract people who value you.