April 6, 2019

Charming cityscape and FRANZE & EVANS in Omotesando, Tokyo.

Season in which cherry blossoms are in full bloom...

Today, could you share my strolling around town?

Hi. I am Rose living in Tokyo, Japan. My dream has been living in Michigan for more than 12 years, but it wasn't realized. I thought about changing my blog title these days. 

After all, I cannot be bothered! I keep going with Loving Michigan! (--) Who cares!?

I told my friend, these cafe houses were like downtown in Michigan. Two-storied buildings and rare vivid color for Japan are just ones I saw in Michigan. 

I was just impressed. I haven't walked this street before.



Delicate cherry blossoms against the background of the - this is also - brilliant brick red...!

Oh, I love walking in the back street district!  I can find these buildings I don't see usually. 

I think about my life. 

Can I attract a man who, though he isn't perfect, will be right for me? Someone who loves the real me, also, someone with whom I am also impressed. 

Imperfect man who is perfect for me? Yes...because I'm not perfect, neither.

SWEETS PAVLOVA❤︎   I came to Franze & Evans again. It got my favorite cafe recently.

Pavlova is a meringue-based cake named after the Russian Ballerina Anna Pavlova. Wow!
Crisp crust and soft whipped cream topped with a plenty of strawberries. Very popular in London. 

Lady F.  We talk about work, love, and things that happened in our lives. 

There are tables inside of the cafe. However, we enjoy our food and wine on the terrace since it's so crowded on weekend. It is wonderful to see passers-by while sitting between people in the cafe and the road in the city. 

You must love FRANZE & EVANS.     HP→www.franzeevans.com     Locations→⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎

FRANZE & EVANS is an Italian elegance imagined and realized by Londoners who live in the present age. 

Imagine...   Realize...

In my case, accepting all of his qualities, and trying to improve myself is the first step. 

Love and happiness to all,