February 9, 2019

Collie & Rose's romantic night to roast marshmallow over candlelight

The time itself would be precious when I am with you. Every time I am spending with you is a precious moment.

When I visit you in Michigan, it is a good chance to share a bottle of wine. The wine your friend presented you with. You don't drink up a bottle of wine...so let's share the fine wine together♪♪

Icebox cookies we bought at One World Market are lovely hors d'oeuvres❤︎

Taking a selfie together is common for all of the lovers. When we do this, I always ask him to take because his hand is longer than mine. 


Collie brought candles from his shelf. 

Quiet night at home is one of the nicest events. A little idea would create an elegant time for us at the usual place.

Collie took it into his head to roast a marshmallow by candlelight! It was a so tiny marshmallow I brought from Japan as a (joke) souvenir to say, "Japanese people don't eat a lot, so a marshmallow is this size." 

"Oh, it's fun!!!", he says.  He says the scent and taste are the same he remembers as he knew when he was a boy. 

Our romantic time with candlelight.  At the same time, it is entertaining.

Just to be ourselves.