October 2, 2022

End of Summer, Shedding, and Detroit.

Summer is over. Looking back, what I accomplished this summer, or this year? I just have been working hard, but I'm not sure if I can say I live my life to the fullest. I'm trying to study English continuously without knowing if I am improving my skill...I know it's still not good enough.

Vaccination is still on going in Japan. The 4th shot had started and 5th shot, followed by that... While Covid-19 is declared to be over in the USA, how much longer will experimental Japan continue vaccinations? Now Japan is the trash of the world. Unvaccinated people are more likely to die? It is wrong. Rather, people are dying not because of Covid-19, but because of vaccinations. Excess deaths in this August are very big since the 3rd shot started. The government nor TV never broadcast an inconvenient truth. I am suffering "shedding" from the vaccinated. This is what the clinical trial of a novel coronavirus vaccination shows.

Collect information on one's own.  Don't blindly believe what the Government nor the doctors say.

Collie sent me a photo from Detroit. It is great that there are 100 Japanese cherry trees in Detroit. Good to know Toyota has been a sister city of Detroit since 1960. Oh, I didn't know that "TOYOTA" is named after Toyota, a city in Aichi prefecture in Japan!

Time will pass while my mind is in Michigan but I live in Tokyo... Well, I'll just have to do what I can now.        "Welcome, Autumn."