May 9, 2021

I saw double cherry blossoms in my new city! It was a pleasant surprise.

On Apr.9th, after I registered my change of address at the new city office, I walked to the condominium I'd move into soon.

What a pleasant surprise!!! Double cherry blossoms were in full bloom. It's a kind I love among cherry blossoms. I didn't know those lovely ones are near my place to live in!

The considerate guy at the real estate agency told me after we had a private view, that I could walk along the river to the station. Until then, I only knew one route to go back and forth between the condo and the station. Always walking on a main street full of people is somewhat restless, although it's safe at night. I was happy to know there is such a restful street alongside the river.

Sweet...!  What a beautiful sight it is!

Meguro River. It is one of the rivers which flow through Tokyo, 7.82km length and extends across Setagaya, Meguro, and Shinagawa City. The kinds of cherry blossoms must vary in each area. 

My thoughts go to Detroit, so it will be my Detroit River. I know the scale is different and Meguro River water color is dark... 

Thank you for being there. Several times, I had imagined...if I lived at a house in U.S.A., I might think about having double cherry blossoms in the yard. Must be a smaller tree, though. ww

Now in my new city, I can see spectacular lines of double-flowered cherry trees on the far-reaching river side.  One hope came true in this way.

God had loved us before we loved God.  God is immeasurable in his wisdom.

May 5, 2021

Sorry for my absence. Now I write about the day that changed my life.

March 16th, 2021. That was a day which changed my life. Although I repeated trial and error talking about finding a new place. I could connect the dots looking backwards. However, every important thing happened quickly on the very day.

I happened to see a conscientious real estate agent through the open house advertisement. One night, I couldn't sleep because I continued to quest for the way to see a certain property privately. The building I'd love to live in didn't have an available room proper for me, but a more spacious room for sale. I couldn't bring myself to ask any real estate agents to show me the room I couldn't afford. I thought "open room" was a chance to see the room without annoying business persons. Even if it's not a room for me, I could know whether I like another affordable room from seeing the different room in the same building for real. I found one open house advertisement for the property. I took a day off from work nest day to go there.

I was excited! Today, I can see the room I've seen pictures of many times on the net! I reached the condominium. However, there was not a standing signboard that said "open room". I called the real estate agency, and the guy in charge told me that the open room was reservation-only. I explained him the reason I came here and said to him, "I don't intend to buy the present property for sale. Still, can I see the inside?"

He showed up in 30 minuets. A local-based agency is advantageous to both like this. When I saw him for the first time, I got a good impression. Finally, I saw the room privately. It was like a dream. In the room, I talked about the image of my desirable living place. Amazingly, he'd brought print outs of many properties he prepared from my explanation on the phone. I was trying to wait until the affordable room in the same building got vacant, however, I could give it up because I knew some parts of the ceiling was actually low and I can't eliminate a feeling of oppression. It doesn't feel real in the photo nor video. 

He offered to show me possible properties in the afternoon. He drove me to the real estate office so I could have a lunch nearby and then, visit the office again and he could tell me the knowledge of home buying on the screen. When he picked up some suitable properties for me, I also mentioned one place I had been interested in. 

The room I mentioned was just like a cozy one I missed a chance to buy in the building where I saw the different more spacious room with him today. I said to him, a designer must be a same person. He kindly printed out both properties so I could compare each other. "It's a same seller as you can see the name here.", he said. The reason I became to think about buying a property - not for rent - is, I was attracted by the interior of the room, which got sold when I nearly sent a request. He said, "Let's go to see the room you're interested in from now." I was like, it's like a dream to be able to see that room today! 

We went into the room. Not bad! Our impression matched perfectly. So, I needed to make a decision before it's bought by somebody else. Once I had given up on the property because my previous real estate agency didn't recommend it to me as an asset. On the other hand, this young guy told me a new perspective, how to activate my asset in this day and age, and happiness given by living at a desired home. We went back to the office for the next step. As night fell, I went home on the train. 

Everything proceeded speedily in one day. Looking back, the dots connected in this day. It was 4 months since I started to find a new place for myself. 

There were early-bloom cherry blossoms in from of the office building. Since then, I visited the real estate agency several times for a lot of documents & contracts. His partner in business is also a very likable young guy. I kept in touch with both of them.

On the day I signed the sales agreement with partial payment, I took a supper at LONCAFE near the agency. Ah..buying a home is hard... How many times I sighed the documents!

It got dark, raining hard all day. I was very hungry. In cerebration of my home contract, I should do something! Cheers in a storm✨  I like that this cafe offers reasonable Australian CHANDON BRUT.

More and more a lot to do until I move out to a new place. My condo. I still can't realize I will be an owner.

On the first day, he said "Never 100% in property".  It impressed me and I think it's right. 

I won't forget he kindly printed the page of the room designed by a same woman. The room was the start. That was why I started to think about buying my home. 

In clear plastic file folders, I put the print out next to the print out of my home. I live in the next town from the town originally planned to live in, nevertheless, my room is tied to the original one.

March 14, 2021

ST. JOHN PAUL THE GREAT - one place in Michigan photographed by Collie

Collie, please don't feel lonely when you pray, when you are at church alone.
I believe we can live together in Michigan. We will pray together and care about each other soon. 

I am in Tokyo and not with you. In return for the pictures you sent me, I want to share with you. Please know, you are on my mind always. I love you.  Rose

March 7, 2021

Hi from Yurakucho area in central Tokyo

The restaurant is closed at 20:00, so after that, we chatted inside the station over drinks & snacks(nuts) which we bought at 7-eleven just nearby. Wearing coats protects us from the cold, no wind, well-ventilated in a large open place, feeling safe by a few security guards standing there. I liked seeing people enjoying their friendship like this. I thought it's one of the new normal we acquired naturally under corona regulation.

The way my hands look was shot somehow unique...but it is OK😅

The thing can have a blast in any situations.

from Rose & Rose's treasured friend💝