November 2, 2018

All Souls Day

As the flowers in the vase were beginning to wilt, I arranged them smaller in the mug.
Revived flowers can last for a while, in another attractive style...

All Soul's Day is dedicated to those who have died, but not yet permitted into heaven. I didn't know this. I have been thinking, simply, it is the day for all the dead; the commemoration of souls.

Last night, I learned our prayers for the dead will help them to enter into heaven. According to Catholic belief, "purgatory" is a place most people, free of mortal sin, but in a state of venial sin, must go to. Living persons on earth can help the dead in purgatory go to heaven by prayers!

Nobody is perfect. I am not perfect, neither.

This day, I pray for the dead.

Souls can be cleaned before they enter into heaven. There are people who pray on All Souls Day. Now, I am one of them.