July 14, 2019

Rose's Strawberry Cheesecake & Collie's Key lime Cheesecake

Hi, guys ~⭐︎

This is the Strawberry Cheesecake I got from ASTORIA PASTRY SHOP in Royal Oak.

I took it out carefully from the box so as to show you nicely, but a little bit messed up on the cut section...😅

Excellent box!

I chose Strawberry Cheesecake, and he chose Key lime Cheesecake, which is quite unusual as a cheesecake.

I know he is extremely fond of Key lime Greek yogurt. So it does make sense for him to want it😄

What a gentle green color this Key lime cheese cake has! He liked it very much, I am sure.

When I was earnestly trying to take a good shot of my cheesecake.....Collie was naughty...  (- -)

Look at the fork upper right on the above picture💢  Stop it, Collie!  I need to take another shot.

😁I got it~~~💕

ASTORIA's Cheesecake was so mellow and delicious that we ate it all, rather, couldn't leave it.

Cheesecake got our dinner.

Smiling...just being together in the warm house like this was our peaceful, happy moment.