April 16, 2020

Cherry trees boom beautifully as they stand and overcome the snow.

3/28  Rose "Collie, it's snowing right now in Tokyo!"
3/29  Collie "Snow with cherry blossoms sounds amazing."
3/30  The following picture was taken by Rose.

When I went out for stocking up on my food, I saw cherry blossoms at my town still there. It was the day following the snow. 

Cherry trees bloom beautifully as they stand and overcome the snow. 
Cherry blossoms are quick-passing. Having fallen because of snow, and yet they bloom elegantly.

Thank you, dear... I was happy to see your beauty again. Then, I said bye to them and went back home. Cherry blossoms...now you are falling splendidly like snowflakes.

Let's be grateful for each things. Let's always be positive and look for the silver lining.          And...  

Still be careful with your health, sanitize, be careful breathing, wash hands, and stay responsible. :)

May you be healthy and at peace,