April 18, 2020

Exploring the Natural Beauty of my Hometown

I am remote working as many people of the counties. When I felt like I needed a refreshing time away from facing a company laptop all the time, I got out of my room and took a walk. There was a place I'd like to see in such a pleasantly warm day.

Sweet!!! Different kind of cherry blossoms - double flowered cherry blossoms - are full in bloom. It's SO lovely!

I was stunned by how beautifully it was blooming quietly in the corner of a high school grounds. I realized it's really spring now.

Miniature yellow roses are seen here and there♪

And also, I saw double flowered cherry trees blooming in the schoolyard of an elementary school with no one in there. We have a declaration of a state of emergency over COVID-19. High schools are closed during this time. 

This house seems to open a cafe on the first floor. How cleanly flower pots are arranged!
Even if I don't go somewhere by train, I can find the beauty of nature around my hometown. 

You know that spring has come when you see pansies.

The nature takes my breath away.

I wanted to come back to this street where I walked with Collie when he visited Japan. Stealthily, it is my walking course in my heart. 

Dear everyone in the world, take in magnificent scenery in your hometown as you relax.
Love, Rose