July 4, 2020

A pink moment from the window of my apartment

The sky takes on a soft, orangish pink glow at dusk.   "Pink Moment"

When I called it a day at my apartment, I saw the sky getting pink. Getting up from my chair, I looked up the sky out of the window.

COVID-19 is still going on. Working from home got really normal. When needed to work at the office, we apply for the day by Thursday morning in the previous week. An attendance rate became 50% from 30% in June. Since it's not convenient to apply for each day I go to our office, I applied for every Tuesday & Friday in a week. So, I've just started a new rhythm of my life.

I should think about what I can do for our company, and how I can make a social contribution in this situation. 

If I'm not staying at home, it will increase the risk of infection. Still, I should go outside. That is the reason I decided to apply for the regular 2 days in a week. 

When I work from home, on a break, I go out wearing a mask. Sometimes for lunch, other times to go shopping, and just taking a walk still other times.

Isn't it the first time to know my city so realistically in spite that I have been living here for long years? I think it's a quite nice city!

Also, I tided up my room in this self-restraint period. If I had kept working hard at the office, it wouldn't have been realized. I will continue to simplify my life by decluttering unnecessary things.

I'm lost and don't know what I'm living for.  Now I should do what I should do.