July 5, 2020

You are beautiful, and very kindhearted.

In Japan, hydrangeas start blooming from June to July. You can see them here and there during the rainy season.

There are also hydrangeas diagonally across from my apartment to the right. I just got back from taking a walk, but again, I got out right away. I should take a picture of these colorful hydrangeas now because it looks gorgeous.

The flower language for hydrangeas seems to vary with color.   It seems like....

Light blue, blue and bluish purple hydrangeas express cold, heartlessness, proud, enduring love, and "You are beautiful, but very cold".

Pink and red hydrangeas are symbols of energetic women and intense passion.

In regard to that, I have an objection✋

"Enduring love" doesn't coexist with "cold" nor "heartlessness".  Rather, it coexist with "intense passion". 

Though enduring love might not be always intense, it is strong and steady. In a real meaning, enduring love is energetic. 

So light blue, blue and bluish purple hydrangeas, I say to you...

"You are beautiful, and very kindhearted." 

Hydrangeas endure the rain. They comfort us by showing their beauty when we are tired of the rain and the clouds. Every color is fine. 

On a windy cloudy day, I came across this flower at the shopping district of my city. I'm not sure what kind of flower it is. Pretty impressive...☆  If you know about this flower, please let me know😘