September 21, 2020

I'll find a way so I can say working from home has helped me lead a more balanced life.

New Normal.

Now that I spend most of time at home, so I'm studying English a lot! 

It'd be great if I can say that. Actually, I've been busy at working from home and overwhelmed by new things I have to learn according to teleworking. Not having to commute makes things easier for me. On the other hand, successive web meetings are draining my energy.

I'm out of it.

Sometimes, I miss the days when I shared the food with my friends at the restaurant while we enjoyed chatting, laughing, and filling in each other. Oh, this cheese nachos looks so GOOD!!!

I was expecting buying an autumn high-heeled shoes, but I decided to postpone it. There won't be a chance to go out with such elegant shoes. I recognize fashion is changing to more comfortable design.  

It's no fun not having any reason to dress up. So 2 days out of a week I work at the office is my chance to dress nicely. Dressing casually is good, however, I need another chance for me to be what I am.  

I want to go out for lunch or dinner with my close friends at times. I believe the day will come again.

Let's just start by getting up earlier from tomorrow. I need to freshly start studying English. Beauty, English, (and Collie) matter to me. I want to stay true to myself. I can get back into the swing of things.  And then, I will say  -

"Working from home has helped me lead a more balanced life."