July 4, 2021

Healthy & delicious❤︎ My usual breakfast is overnight oats with soy yogurt.

When it comes to breakfast, I could say I'm an overnight oats person. I soak oatmeal overnight in a little watered soy milk. Next morning, I take out some from a plastic container in the fridge, and it is naturally yet pleasantly topped with fruits I have at that time.

On overnight oats, I add whey protein powder, fruits, additional soy yogurt, oligosaccharide, cacao nibs, flaxseed oil, and cinnamon powder sometimes. 

I enjoy each day's oatmeal over a cup of coffee, a nice cup of STARBUCKS CAFFE VERONA, which we can get easily at the supermarket nowadays. Making coffee in the morning is my routine.

Healthy and delicious❤︎  It's convenient that I can prepare breakfast in a short time each morning. 
I think I'll do without cacao nibs and protein powder when I use them up because I feel I don't need anything special to be healthy and I can live simply with something I have. 

I had curry and rice for a change☆  Have you ever heard it's good to eat curry in the morning? Surely curry is also good! Well, the rice contains grains like millet, black rice, barley and all that. 

What is your comfy breakfast? I'm wishing you happy moments before the busy day starts. 