October 30, 2021

Collie & Rose's white moon in the morning from each living place

Unusually for me, I woke up early last weekend. I looked out of the window, 
and saw a white moon in the gentle morning glow.

I sent this photo to Collie, and on the same day at night Japan time,
 I received a following photo from him. 

"White moon in early morning fog.", Collie wrote in his email. It was morning Michigan time.
I thought it's a breathtaking pale pink moment with a white moon in the morning!

The moon was almost full. The white moon he saw in Michigan is the same even if he is far away from Japan.

He went to sleep seeing my white moon picture in Tokyo, and when woke up on the next morning, he took his white moon in Michigan. I felt his own natural kindness from it.

It was the way he showed his love.