August 7, 2022

My heart has already broken under repeated denials to my dearest hope.

Will the day come?  The day, the unvaccinated such as me can fly to Michigan not just as a tourist... 

I appreciate Collie often sends me Michigan photos to fill me in, but my heart is somewhat vacant.
I live in Japan, and I don't know what I should feel from those pictures. 

Which way I should channel my passion or energy into, Michigan where I might live, or here in Tokyo where my life is? The fact it is still uncertain after more than a dozen years is agony for me.

God, May I ask you a favor?  "Please let him decide."

My heart has already broken under repeated denials to my dearest hope. It's too cruel. I don't want to be given a false hope any longer.
I look forward to hearing from you, Rose