September 18, 2022

a cool spacious complex - GATE CITY OHSAKI

I walked to GATE CITY OHSAKI from my condo to explore the huge complex connected to OHSAKI(大崎)station.  Looks like a very new building.  I came here to look around and have a light meal sitting back with a cup of coffee.

I wanted to enjoy McDonald's burger, French fries, and coffee at the above seat because it looked fun when I saw pictures people uploaded on the Gourmet website.

yeah! It must have been great to relax with a meal while looking a spacious view like this.

The area of seats & tables was closed. Because it was Sunday, or to prevent the spread of Covid-19?

Actually, it was summer of 2021. I'm not sure if the seats are available now. People are still wearing musks even while walking outside, and another kind of more vaccinations seem to come. 

So...I try to enjoy visiting cafes closer to my condo.  I will share the pictures with you sometime.