March 19, 2023

a restful walking route between Gotanda and Nakameguro alongside Meguro River

I am longing for the weekend. "Which route do I want to enjoy this weekend?"  "What kind of food shall I get?"  I talk to myself when it's almost the weekend.

I was heading to Nakameguro from my town along Yamate-Dori Ave one road away from Meguro River. I seem to prefer walking in the city to nature!?

This restaurant is one of my list to visit. Now, I will change my course to a riverside road to show you how this restaurant looks like from the nature side.

How's that? It has a pretty good taste with a quaint atmosphere. Alright, I will walk along Meguro River from now.

I am at HUIT I wanted to check out!  I'd be glad if you remember I wrote about this restaurant at my previous post.

Unfortunately, I couldn't relax because girls sitting next to me were chatting loudly. The inside of HUIT nakameguro is quite spacious, but the girls are the only ones who talk incessantly... Looking back, I should have asked a waitress if I could change my seat. Actually, the place where so many people were waiting in line wasn't really good.

This is a stylish sandwich house where I made a toast on the day I signed the sales agreement of my condo.  My real estate agency is in Nakameguro. 

There is a German beer restaurant on the same side of the street where I had a lunch on the day my real estate agent took me to my condo I'd been checking online for months. Everything was done in one day, however, it happened because I asked him about my present condo apart from his choices.

Now let's go home walking on the other side of Meguro River. 
When I feel like giving up, I should just look back on how far I've come. "No rain - No flowers." 

He will not let your foot slip - he who watches over you will not slumber     Psalm 121:3