April 16, 2020

Cherry trees boom beautifully as they stand and overcome the snow.

3/28  Rose "Collie, it's snowing right now in Tokyo!"
3/29  Collie "Snow with cherry blossoms sounds amazing."
3/30  The following picture was taken by Rose.

When I went out for stocking up on my food, I saw cherry blossoms at my town still there. It was the day following the snow. 

Cherry trees bloom beautifully as they stand and overcome the snow. 
Cherry blossoms are quick-passing. Having fallen because of snow, and yet they bloom elegantly.

Thank you, dear... I was happy to see your beauty again. Then, I said bye to them and went back home. Cherry blossoms...now you are falling splendidly like snowflakes.

Let's be grateful for each things. Let's always be positive and look for the silver lining.          And...  

Still be careful with your health, sanitize, be careful breathing, wash hands, and stay responsible. :)

May you be healthy and at peace,

April 12, 2020

A Blessed Easter to you and yours


Let the world rejoice.
One sacrifice for all of the world. Christ has risen!
...and conquered mortal death so we shall have everlasting life.

My best wishes for a Happy and Blessed Easter. 
May God be with you, and all people in the whole world.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 

April 11, 2020

April 11 Holy Saturday 2020. I say hello from my neighborhood.

So...the day I will resume working at the office had been postponed. I will stay at home until May 6 due to COVID-19 outbreak.

I was trying to upload the pictures of cherry blossoms I took when I went to a grocery store. But an inserting images system doesn't work unfortunately. I found the input screen redesigned when I opened Blogger today. I will upload my pictures on 1 , 2, and 3 below later when the system gets to run properly.  ※2020 4/12 updated in Google Chrome


What's up guys? Today is Easter Eve 2020. Though you can't go to church now, you can listen to an audio (click here) of Easter Eve, Saturday April 11, 2020.  


I am trying to work from home as efficiently as possible. Sometimes, it tends to be monotonous, but it is a chance to find another way to work with different skill. 


Now I don't commute, I don't take a train, and am just being at where I live. These are cherry blossoms in my city I'd like to share with you. 

Stay safe.  Stay healthy.
With all my heart on silent Holy Saturday, Rose

March 29, 2020

Dainty yet powerful cherry blossoms and new Harajuku station building

Hello people all aver the world. This is Rose.   Guess what, it's snowing out there today!

I'm staying indoors this weekend due to stay-at-home order from the Government. Additionally, it got mandatory that we'll have to remote work from home until April 12th.

I feel lucky to have gone out to admire the beautiful cityscape in Omotesando/Haraduku last weekend.  Cherry blossoms are in full bloom now, but we can't go out this weekend.

The cherry blossoms in Omotesando were starting blooming last Sunday. The pale pink is making an lovely effect on the tasteful building...

What beautiful blossoms they are! And it is amazing, they are blooming directly on a tree trunk!
I always feel the deepest emotion when I see this.

At such a hard time like the present situation of coronavirus in the world, I give my mind to -

When events proceed to their extremes, they give birth to their opposites.

 Another quaint building.  I missed taking a picture of it last year, so I'm glad I did it this time. 

Then we headed for each station. It got an early evening already as we enjoyed filling in each other. 
I walked to new Harajuku station after saying bye to Lady F.

The new Harajuku station building

It started from March 21st in 2020.

I stood still at the flower shop inside Takadanobaba station, my transfer point.

It was like, I expected that I might have to refrain from taking the train for the city for a while.

I looked at delicate cherry blossoms. It's beautiful, but fleeting - like the cherry blossoms we see around the town.

After the long darkness, there would be a dawn.  We know it because      -

When the darkness grew darker and darker, the dawn drew closer and closer.