January 24, 2021

The sophisticated at first glance yet strong flower. Is it like someone?

It is a pleasant surprise to me that the flower arrangement delivered to me about one month ago is still lively and giving me a comfort in my room during this time of isolation.

 The 2nd stage☆

The following picture was taken on December 26th when it was delivered to my apartment. Lately, switched over from several flowers that finished blooming, white & pale greenish white flowers started blooming. I wonder where so many buds were inside! I realize the buds had been waiting for their turn during purple/white roses and orange gerberas(maybe?) were blooming. How elaborately created this flower arrangement was! 

 The 1st stage☆

The shape of the frilled white & pale greenish white flowers resembles rose's. I googled it, and is it Eustoma Lisianthus Double? I got very interested in this flower. While it looks clean and sophisticated, it is strong and amazingly long lasting! I felt a sense of intimacy. LOL 

 The 2nd stage☆

Then what is this cute flower? I've never imagined an initial small bud would grow like this and bloom a pale pink flower. It is also pretty yet strong! 

Dear friends, would you kindly let me know if you know the name of this pretty pink flower?

Though I don't have a physical strength, I am mentally and physically strong ultimately in the long run. However, I am a woman who feels happy when I am cared about. Got that, Collie!?

So everyone, I'm happy you visited my blog. Wishing you a wonderful week❤︎ Rose

January 16, 2021

A picture taken near Lake Orion by Collie (See? I'm still a Michigan blogger. =3 )

 Collie is like,

"In a strange way.....I am glad you are not sleeping next to me. Because...you would be miserable. I have been coughing in bed for two hours. Yes, probable snoring, and other....but cough is strong and disruptive. I think neighbors might hear me. I'm glad you will sleep peaceful and get rest. I have to awaken in a few hours. Good night Rose."

No, Collie. No matter how you cough or snore, it's way better for me to be able to be with you. Making a get well wish to you. I wish I could rub against you like a cat. (You might fall out of bed, though. :3 )

Hello, Michigan and World. I am Rose writing in Tokyo and Collie is coughing in Michigan.

The picture sent from Collie is mostly a powerful nature landscape in Michigan. If I were in Michigan, it'd be almost food😅, various houses, or cityscape. 

Going to work is suspended for a month, but I might be able to go to work once every two weeks, like every other Tuesday. It is a ray of hope during a kind of sluggish life. Also, I started repainting wood parts of my apartment. I bought small bottles of paint. One is pure white and the other is off-white. Lately I spend most of time at home, so cleaning / repairing a room is constructive! It helps me to live mindfully and hold my life with the greatest level of appreciation. I'm not the only one who feels lonely at times.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Please continue to be careful... Rose💙

January 11, 2021

high-quality flowers arranged with the image of neat and clean, sophisticated, feminine someone

 I spent my New Year Holidays quietly at my apartment. Just once went out to gather at an open square with my family. We had sushi lunch and after that, enjoyed baked cheesecake for dessert with coffee. My brother boiled water there. Outdoor wood tables made us feel like trying a little camping. Tasting a hot coffee in the cold air is exceptional. It was a sunny winter day of the year end.

I almost stayed alone, however, this beautiful flower arrangement has been with me at home.

These gorgeous flowers were sent from my friend F on December 26th, 2020. Now little buds are blooming pretty flowers. I've never seen such an elegant arrangement in my life. Truly amazing!

I also sent her a flower arrangement in return out of gratitude. But it couldn't be such a refined one like this. Still, Lady F praised it like, having a good sense of style, and said red is the color she loves.
I appreciate her kind words. 

Having a good sense of style... Dear Lady F, you can say that again about this arrangement. I really learned what high quality is from your present. Rather, more of a "great" sense of style than good. 

Later, she told me that she asked the florist to base the design on my image. She described me as neat and clean, sophisticated, and feminine. Oh, wow! I learned how you think of me. I'm very honored. 

I didn't make New Year's resolutions. I will continue studying English naturally, and continue moderate daily exercise / moderate improvement on my skill at work. Those are what I have been doing until now. 

I don't work frantically, otherwise, I can't keep my youth while glowing old. Though I might not afford a high quality lifestyle, I will simply do the best I can. 
Eternal, Pure, Loyalty...  Rose

January 2, 2021

Rose's simple dishes for New Year's and a simple but hilarious video sent from Collie

 Happy New Year💚💛💙

I hope the New Year finds you in excellent spirit! I am sitting back and relaxing at home for New Year's holiday. The weather is very nice as usual New Year here in Tokyo. I should go out later. 

I made a traditional Japanese soup dish for New Year's, simply for myself, and by rose style❤︎❤︎

Chopstick rests (I'm not putting my chopsticks on one of them, though😅) are lined up. The dog one is Collie and the cat one is Rose. I am with them when I eat. 

On the following morning after New Year's Day, I made banana oatmeal pancake for myself. Other than sliced ones on top, banana is also in the pancake. It's not traditional Japanese food as you know, though😛  I do like simple food when I am at home.

The video Collie sent me on New Year's Day made me laugh.
It's heartwarming & hilarious so I will share it with you. 
Much peace, love and joy to you all in 2021😄 from Collie & Rose.