February 4, 2023

Rest In Peace, Fr.Callistus. You are forever in our hearts as our Father.

Yesterday, I knew Fr.Callistus passed away about a month ago. There was a message in my smartphone, but it hadn't popped up. When I saw a different latest pop-up on my phone and opened my SNS yesterday, I found the message that he passed away which was sent to me a month ago.

I lost my biological father in December. About 2 weeks later in December, Fr.Callistus passed away, too. Had I known, I wouldn't have been able to bear losing two precious persons at the same time. Yesterday was February 3rd. The forty-ninth day ceremony after my father's passing had been over.

I am very saddened by my loss. I feel really sad. However, did God let me know Fr.Callistus's news later to reduce my shock?  He has made everything beautiful in its time.

It's my comfort that Collie met him when we went to the New Year's Mass at Franciscan Chapel Center in 2018 as he visited me in Japan.

Next Sunday Mass, I went to Franciscan Chapel Center alone as usual. Fr.Callistus said to me, "Ohhh.. Collie is gone..." I answered to him, "But he will come back again."  He nodded. 

After a long time, I showed up at Mass. He asked me anxiously, "Are you happy?"  Also, he was encouraging me with a firm handshake. He knew I was still living in Japan alone while my hope was being married with Collie in Michigan. He knows my heart. I answered, "No... Yes!"  I was almost in tears.   Looking back -

The "No" was  : I am feeling sad.
The "Yes" was : I should find a way to be happy with hope.

Fr.Callistus was really a kindhearted person. Still now, I can imagine how he would say if I opened my mind and said my hope to him. 

"Just pray."

He would say gently with a gentle smile like he did before. 

God, I am tired.... I am tired of living.  Could you let me die?  Let me die right now?

Father...  I am sorry I couldn't go to Mass during corona pandemic. I sent you an e-mail to say I was looking at you joining YouTube Mass, and to say I was always praying for you. Please forgive me....

Father... May you rest in paradise with eternal love of God... We will miss you forever. Please stay with us and watch over us from Heaven. 

God, I will live because I know Fr.Callistus hopes I will live on this earth until the day. So please let us with him in our hearts. We are hoping that he shines down on all of us as he was doing to us at Franciscan Chapel Center. 

We are praying forever for our beloved Fr.Callistus,
Raphaela, my baptismal name.

January 22, 2023

Saint Maria of Catholic Meguro Church & a small cafe wellk on a calm street

The closest Catholic Church from my condo is Catholic Meguro Church. I can't attend Mass there because it's limited to Catholics who belong to the church itself to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Oh, well, I'm sick of it!

Instead, every time I pass along Catholic Meguro Church, I stop to look at a statue of Saint Mary. 

This time, I walked to Meguro-Mita Street, where I tried to find my living place before. Once, and still now, I am charmed with a sophisticated and calm atmosphere of the street. Diagonally in front of this charming brick shop (also a house? How pretty!), there is a small cafe called wellk.

Likely to miss such a quiet entrance with a small letter "wellk"., however, I got interested in what the place was. 

I taste acidity in this coffee and the Carrot Cake is more of a meal than a cake. Personally, I prefer plenty whipped cream to ice cream on the side. 

It's a unique concept to taste a cake with pepper & salt. The cake must be great because it looks very nutritious with a lot of nuts, but it was not my kind of Carrot Cake.

This is a small cafe like a room of an apartment. It's located in a peaceful residential neighborhood that is a midpoint between Meguro and Ebisu. The two-story building across the way is impressive. I visited here again to have a Cheese Cake. I'll let you know how it goes.


Today, I knew Catholic Meguro Church removed the restriction and it seems like non-members can also attend the Mass unless over 120 people. I could try to attend English Mass in the near future. If I am asked "Why English Mass?", I wish I could answer, like, "Because my 'husband' is American.". Sigh..I'm single... An alternative plan is, "Because my 'partner' is American.".
All the best, Rose

January 12, 2023

January 8, 2023

Printed Lovely ❤︎ Toilet Paper Rolls

I tend to buy printed toilet rolls. So a shelf of my bathroom is like this. I opened it to show you♪

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Maybe I'll buy plain stuff next time. It's like I'm playing with toilet paper..πŸ˜‚

When I opened Google Photos tonight, I saw this picture featured as "Spotlight".  Ah...it's the one taken in Detroit by Collie. We were waiting for Lady Detroit to show up. It's been years...

I wish I could go on a trip again instead of playing at home with toilet paper.. Actually, want to live in Michigan. Sigh... I will buy lovely printed toilet paper next time again after all.   Good day! Rose