May 4, 2024

Killing some time at Somerset Collection

Collie will take the afternoon off so he can pick me up at one of the entrances of that large shopping mall. Somerset Collection is an opulent shopping mall located in Troy, Michigan with more than 180 specialty stores. 

Not sure how many times I came here, but it is a good place to spend some time while he is working. In the beginning when I started to visit Michigan, I was engrossed in several shops and bought some clothes. Those purchases uplifted me. Also, I enjoyed just walking around checking out all the stores. Now that I have enough dresses and blouses etc., I should pull off any outfits I purchased. So...I just started wandering around the mall without any plan or specific purpose. 

An upscale atrium in Somerset Collection

In hindsight, each one was a fortunate purchase. I found it at the right time when I really wanted it. I still treasure all of them. I'm thankful that I got to have the opportunity of meeting my type of fashion here in the past. 

macy*s   floor 2 

My favorite type of clothes is on the second floor of ★macy*s at Somerset Collection. Elegant, but not overly flamboyant. Macy*s is one of the popular American department stores. 

☆  ☆  ☆

Then, I met Collie inside of the entrance. I was 1-2 minute late. ^^; (Which is unusual for me!) 
I always think it's great that - 
Collie is invariably punctual.

We are going to the restaurant for lunch. I'm excited, I can be there for the first time after 5 years! 
I've not been so interested in shopping lately. So...appetite rather than material desire.  :3 Rose

April 29, 2024

Rose & Collie's serene morning at the balcony of Royal Park Hotel in Rochester

It's the morning we check out of the hotel. I woke up early to enjoy the last view from the open balcony I liked very much. With a cup of fresh coffee, of course!

The coffee provided at Royal Park Hotel is really delicious. 

I took the elevator to the first floor. It has an imposing ambience as you can see. Every morning, I went to the library room where coffee & other drinks were being prepared. I brought back my coffee to our room on this day, too.

I secretly shot a video on the balcony before Collie woke up. Would you check it out? ^^

It seems that I am laying back after the successful shooting... I was not aware that Collie took my photo from behind. He seems to have taken it secretly before he got ready to come out. Green is vivid on this photo. Lush foliage is the sign of early summer. 

After a short while, Collie turned up on the balcony out of the room. I'd already brought a cup of lemon water for him when I went down for my coffee because he doesn't drink coffee. It was a serene morning. The weekend is over and he'll go to work from now. 

Much later in Japan... When I opened my Google Photos recently, I found Google featuring this photo at the top of the site as ”Memories together”. That was our selfie. 

It was taken for us to commemorate the wonderful time here. 

Royal Park Hotel is located in hip and historical Downtown Rochester, Michigan. We are grateful for your hospitality. Also, I'm grateful to Collie, who booked this luxury place so I could spend time comfortably while I explored Rochester, one of my favorite cities in Michigan.

April 24, 2024

Outdoor Fire Pit in the dark of night at Royal Park Hotel, Rochester, Michigan.

We stepped out of the room to check out a bonfire we saw from our balcony. After the relaxing fun dinner, that was an event for us to conclude the night at Royal Park Hotel. It was approaching 10pm. 

Look! There is a blaze over there. It's still on fire on the side of the building facing Rochester River Walk in the dark of night.

An earlier visitor told us that it's until 11pm and we need to put the fire out when we leave. Collie and I sat around the bonfire, watching the fire blazing up. I think we were there for about 30 minutes?

Outdoor Fire Pit
Evenings are for relaxation and winding down. Our outdoor fire pit is complimentary to hotel guests until 11pm each evening May - September.

I found it later. How nice, some ideas just like above are listed for those who'd rather put their feet up, relax, and enjoy the hotel as well as best things to do at Downtown Rochester!

You can watch a video clip to feel the vibes☺  

It was the perfect wind-down time with Outdoor Fire Pit. We had a really good time. Thank you...*


April 21, 2024

Double cherry blossoms in Gotanda 2024

One week or so after single cherry blossoms have finished blooming, double cherry blossoms start to bloom. Compared to single cherry blossoms that fall right away, double cherry blossoms keep on blooming for about 3 weeks. If single cherry blossoms were fleeing and beautiful, double cherry blossoms would be...

Cute, sweet, lovely! I am enamored with them this year too. Let me post various kinds of double cherry blossoms adjacent to where I live. 

How did you like it? These were all photographed along Meguro River. 

I really like double cherry blossoms. I feel joy when I see them. Those pretty ones give me hope, and keep me going forward. 

Joy, Peace, Happiness and Love, Rose