May 4, 2024

Killing some time at Somerset Collection

Collie will take the afternoon off so he can pick me up at one of the entrances of that large shopping mall. Somerset Collection is an opulent shopping mall located in Troy, Michigan with more than 180 specialty stores. 

Not sure how many times I came here, but it is a good place to spend some time while he is working. In the beginning when I started to visit Michigan, I was engrossed in several shops and bought some clothes. Those purchases uplifted me. Also, I enjoyed just walking around checking out all the stores. Now that I have enough dresses and blouses etc., I should pull off any outfits I purchased. So...I just started wandering around the mall without any plan or specific purpose. 

An upscale atrium in Somerset Collection

In hindsight, each one was a fortunate purchase. I found it at the right time when I really wanted it. I still treasure all of them. I'm thankful that I got to have the opportunity of meeting my type of fashion here in the past. 

macy*s   floor 2 

My favorite type of clothes is on the second floor of ★macy*s at Somerset Collection. Elegant, but not overly flamboyant. Macy*s is one of the popular American department stores. 

☆  ☆  ☆

Then, I met Collie inside of the entrance. I was 1-2 minute late. ^^; (Which is unusual for me!) 
I always think it's great that - 
Collie is invariably punctual.

We are going to the restaurant for lunch. I'm excited, I can be there for the first time after 5 years! 
I've not been so interested in shopping lately. So...appetite rather than material desire.  :3 Rose