November 10, 2018

feeling fine to see Oxford houses & Oxford library

A peasant sky after the rain.

Today, I will introduce you Oxford houses in Michigan which caught my eyes💚

 I hope you will enjoy watching the residential area in Oxford!

Several kinds of houses are all different, and all are really amazing...

I feel so good!  I had an awesome time biking in this town of Oxford.

And one of the paces I like in Oxford.  It is a library.

Quiet time on weekday. I like this atmosphere the best among libraries I've visited so far in Michigan.

Well appointed with wi-fi, too!


A wonderful idea occurred to me now. How about posting a blog here?

I can't enjoy a cup of coffee nor wine while writing, though😅  Still, isn't it nice!?

I will update my blog from here someday! Can change seats from day to day. GOOD

It's 17:38. I gotta go...back to Collie's house. I knew he's back home by his message.

On the way to his house, I took one more picture of a house. It was a must to photograph.

When he was looking outside from the window, I just came back. I e-mailed to him from the library, "I'll come home soon."

Collie "Hey, bicycle girl."  He took a picture of me as soon as I came in.

※ A picture won't enlarge when you click it. 

I know....💧a baseball cap is suitable for a cycling outfit. However, I think it's not good enough for sun protection.

UNIQLO's Ultra Light Down I got at Narita Airport had a big impact on a rainy day. How great it was! It is water-resistant and water-repellent!!!

By the way, I was wearing Delta Airline slippers this time at his house since I didn't use them on the plane. Collie still has my exclusive use, but I want it to last a longer time.

In the town, a schoolboy screamed to me on the bike, "Pheeew!".  I seemed hot for a kid...😂