January 12, 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Aaarrrgh...!  It's already approaching the mid of January, 2019. Finished work of the first week this year, my engine seems to have been left running.

Hey you guys, how are you doing?

I start my blog this year with a special citrus, familiar in everyday life of Japanese people, during the cold season in particular.

"Yuzu", a kind of citrus fruit, picked from a tree in the shared garden near my parents' place. It grows naturally, so it is thankfully organic! A yuzu peel gives off a strong, fresh scent. Sliced thinly peels and also juice are useful for multiple purposes; tea, soup, dressing, and seasoning etc.

Did you make your New Year resolution?

One of mine is to restore my eyesight. I spend a whole day on the computer at my work. My eyesight is declining. I must develop the habit of seeing distant objects. To improve the flow of blood, I added "suwaishou" to my morning exercise because "suwaishou" is a highly effective way of improving systemic circulation.

Well, I need enough sleeping hours to make a recovery from any unhealthiness. I'll give it a try.

I'm hoping to wright about, not only my life in Japan, but also my travel record in Michigan. I bet you'll love it!