September 15, 2019

I got many Protein Bars at Kroger! Would you take a peek?

A protein bars market is great in U.S.A.!
There are lots of variety to choose from.

American protein bars are popular among people who are health conscious in Japan.

In Japan, most protein bars contain trans fats like shortening and margarine, which are being used to make products at the lowest possible cost. We have to take trans fats too when we eat those bars bought with the hope of taking protein for our health. Japanese food industries are not doing what they are supposed to do.

It is a good chance to get natural protein bars when I visit Michigan!

I do love the concept of KIND, do the kind thing for your body
and elegant LUNA Bar, the first nutrition bar aimed at women. 

These bars are really helping me when I am working until late and don't have even time to go to buy something to eat. It is convenient that I can store them well.

The beauty of the bars is  -  it's tasty as well as nutritious and natural!

I was planed to bring back all these stuff to Japan. But, on the day I headed for Detroit International Airport, I forgot having an additional bag put the bars in! 😱 Oh my goodness!

Protein bars, that I got at Kroger with joy, ended up being sent to Japan from Michigan by Collie.

A beautiful lady who joined our workplace as a temporary staff, is now in Los Angels for her another interpreter job. She is thoughtful and asked me what she'd get there for me. I mentioned LUNA chocolate cupcake because iHerb doesn't provide it. I am looking forward to tasting it again, and sure she'll love it, too!

Collie is kind,  she is kind,  and I love KIND Bars💕

So, guys...what kind of protein bars do you prefer?
With every good wish, Rose

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