March 21, 2020

Lovely Korvapuuti (Finnish cinnamon roll) at Hakaniemi Market Hall

So, I took off the tram at Hakaniemi. Which direction each tram is bound for is a little confusing for me, though. Anyway, I could come!

Whoa! There are many food stalls. Splendid idea occurred to me. How about having a breakfast in this square, outside the building. I found a stand selling what I wanted that was making a favorable impression, although every stand was pleasant. I bought one cinnamon roll with a cup of coffee.

Lovely Korvapuuti❤︎  I was really hoping for this Finnish style cinnamon roll.

Horizontal winding...crystal sugar...cardamon... These are the differences from American style cinnamon roll.

How fun it is! I am happy to be able to taste my first Korvapuuti in such a bustling place like this. I was sitting alone, but feeling as if I were joining local people who were doing their own thing.

The cinnamon roll was cute and a gentle taste. a friendly smile of Finnish people.
And I often think, I wish I could have this roll in Japan!
Peace to all, Rose