May 6, 2020

A photo message on FaceTime Stay at home with a smile

Hi, guys. What have you been up to during this self-restraint period?

The government is requesting that people refrain from going outside unless they urgently need to. There is a day I stay in all day, avoiding any unnecessary outings due to COVID-19. 

There is no wonder that I don't have a chance to be taken a photo of myself recently, so I did screenshot myself on FaceTime to make a photo letter.

People tend to lose the opportunity to smile when they spend time alone, especially they live alone. I must try to smile on self-quarantine. I shouldn't forget smiling.

I sent these pictures to Collie yesterday. :)  I thought it's a good idea to use FaceTime this way to make me more expressive, or to know how to make a happy expression on my face. The beauty of selfie is that you can watch how you actually look when it's taken. 

We must not let our guard down even if we are suffering from cabin fever. We should stay away form crowded places. Hand-washing and gargling are still essential at a time like this. 

Stay at home with a smile, Rose.