May 5, 2020

Tasty salmon soup for my dinner at KAUPPAHALLI SALUHALL(Hakaniemi Market Hall)

My guidebook says Hakaniemi Market Hall is held until 4 p.m. on Saturday. It was a quarter past 3 p.m. when I arrived there by tram. There was a specific food I was dying to eat. I checked it before leaving the stand offering a salmon soup which looked so good. But I decided to come back to my hotel once to put chocolate bars. It was pretty sunny outside and I wanted to prevent the chocolate from melting.

I rushed into the stand, and said to the clerk, "Can I have a salmon soup!?"  The charming lady said to me in an apologetic manner, "Sorry, it's sold out." 

(O O)!!!!! Oh, no〜〜〜. 

I missed a chance to taste that tempting salmon soup everybody was enjoying here under the tent. It makes sense. Even if the guidebook says it's open until 4 p.m., each stall gets closed when all food is sold out... So, I came into the indoor market instead.
Salmon is the specialty of Finland. Open sands of this shop looks yummy. But, I really wanted salmon soup...(・・。)
There is a very nice indoor market hall called KAUPPAHALLI SALUHALL next to the outdoor flea market, just across the road from Hakaniemi metro station. It opened in 1914. The shops on the first floor sell foodstuffs.

Look! There is an eating space and they offer salmon soup also!(〃▽〃)Maybe I can eat my early supper here.
Salmon soup is one of the signature dish in Finland. This soup looks more of "watery" than "thick". Though prices in Finland is high, this is an affordable way people dine out. It was a tasty salmon soup with abundant spice (rosemary?).
I should've ordered a glass of champaign as the man clerk recommended? Actually, I didn't because it must be almost the same price as my salmon soup set or more. ww

An eating space is on a passage alongside the shop. It was not bad, I didn't feel like I was eating alone because of it.

There are several cafeterias which make us possible to taste their fresh food.  
Included coffee was available by helping myself to. It was strong one★

After I finished my soup, a waitress came to me to clear my table. I'll never forget her gentle smile. When she took away my soup bowl and tray, she looked into my face with her tender smile, shaking her face a little bit as if she were asking, "May I take your plates?" How sweet it is! I was totally blown away.

I wanted to say bye to them, but the man clerk was talking with other visitors. So, I left. When I walked a few meters away, he said it out loud, "Arigato---Sayonara---!!!"     I turned around. And said it back out loud, "Thank you-! Arigato---  I will come back here again!"
The man might be an owner. I missed a creamy salmon soup at the stand outside, however, what a wonderful time I experienced at the table inside.  

This is where Finns go to get really good fishes and ecological vegetables.     And   -

This is a place that brings back good memories.