May 3, 2020

Dear Irene Tomoe Cooper, you are always in my heart.

Dear Irene, my life has changed since I met you. You taught me how I could be more attractive, more feminine while becoming confident. You have made me what I am today. I admire your gorgeousness, intelligence, and strength.

I had a dream to announce my marriage with him to you, earlier than anybody. I even imagined how to say, like, "Irene, I wanted you to be the first to know. Guess what? I will..."

But the dream was not realized. I heard you passed away.  Irene, now you are free from agonizing struggle with cancer.

It has been a tough time for you.  However, I'm sure you did your very best.   Please rest in peace...

I am sorry for the long silence. I felt like I needed to stay away from everything because years passed and my life didn't go the way I wanted. I've just kept hoping you'd stay well. You sent me a line, ”How have you been, Rose? I'm always hoping for your happiness." I replied from the cafe in Michigan with the picture of hamburger, you sent me back with the picture of scone you baked. Since then, time passed again...

That lace dress in red is your favorite, I know. I remember it's a kind of dress you'd never worn and you enjoyed your new style. And my dress I chose and he bought in Michigan became way more special by taking a picture with you. 

Many people are greatly influenced by your teaching methods and you will live on in us. 

My life is going on. Can I talk to you sometimes, like I did until now? Let me report 'how my love life is going' to you. 

I feel you close.  Dear Irene, you are always in my heart.
A lot of love, Rose