July 17, 2021

relaxing days with wild roses & a couch with a rose pattern

 I found wild roses from my parents suited rose patterns of my couch very well. I should take a shot.

Actually, the cover I'm using as a sofa cover is a stole Collie sent me in return for a chocolate bar & a handkerchief for Valentine's Day a few years ago. It is a stole made in Poland. It must be a unique way to use a stole, but I hope he is happy about it. You can see a white race I bought at Canterbury Village in Michigan...☆

From time to time, I buy a lunch box near my living place and sit on a couch. It is a rice bowl with ginger pork stir-fly and a great variety of vegetables on top; one of healthy lunches shunpachi.jp(旬八)sells. I'm buying strawberries too, there.

Also, I found a cute sized cookie box at Gotanda Tokyu Store. A small gift is a nice way to express "thank you". :)  It's easy on the wallet (about 2 bucks each!), but looks fancy❤︎

My brother sent me half-a-dozen red wines as a housewarming gift. I'm making open-faced grilled cheese sandwiches for supper, enjoying a glass of wine, already!

There is a day I feel, like, "I'm not going to do anything today and just relax." Or, after a long day at work, I often have a leisurely evening, feeling chilled-out.

It will be 3 months soon since I moved in here. Though I still miss my old apartment, things have finally calmed down recently and I'm getting used to a new dwelling. 

Everyone, I'm really glad I bought my house...