December 30, 2022

Separate seats at GATE CITY OSAKI, and a classic night scene of GATE CITY PLAZA

A while ago, I wrote about GATE CITY PLAZA at It was my little hope to be seated up there and look down in the spacious atmosphere. Visiting GATE CITY PLAZA around the end of November, I found my wished seats available, changed into separate seats. 

There was a decorated Christmas tree. People are coming back and each person is doing their own thing.

Though I couldn't find vacant seats on the side looking down the lower floor, I found an only one vacant seat facing a well-maintained courtyard. It's not bad. I was gazing out the window for a short while.

People are spending their own time. What an airy and comfortable environment they can study in!

A individual seat on the opposite side got vacant! I moved to the open seat where I can look down the floor downstairs. Oh, this is what I wanted to do!

In a way, this might have been the last time I could feel Christmassy this year. Looking back, I enjoyed happy Christmas vibe in this spacious area.

Then, I went out of the building and saw classy lights of GATE CITY PLAZA, which is in GATE CITY OSAKI. I never knew there was such a beautiful place.

A little lonely at night.

I didn't eat a cake nor a luxurious meal at Christmas. But it doesn't matter. The true joy of Christmas is in the everlasting love of Christ.

Wishing you had a joyous Christmas, wishing you blessings in the coming New Year...

Thank you for visiting my blog this year. I will see you again here soon.    Happy Holidays! Rose