May 11, 2024

Newly renovated WHISTLE STOP DINER in Birmingham, Michigan

Since I knew WHISTLE STOP DINER was newly renovated during the coronavirus pandemic, it was my dream to visit it when I can come to Michigan after lifted flight restrictions. As of May 12, 2023, noncitizen visitors to the U.S. got to no longer need to show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Before the pandemic, WHISTLE STOP DINER had been the restaurant I loved very much. So visiting it again was my long-cherished dream.

On June 19, 2023, I was finally able to visit WHISTLE STOP DINER, which had always been in my heart as a warm memory. What is the new diner like? I was excited.

Sandwiches with Coleslaw for Collie

When we entered and took a seat, a waitress came to take the order. I knew her from the Instagram of WHISTLE STOP DINER, but she had an aura that made it hard for me to talk to. So, I remained silent without saying this was my long-awaited visit from Japan. 

His sandwiches looked simple. Collie said to me, like, these were good sandwiches, thank you.   

Omelette with Hash Browns & Toast for Rose

Somehow, I wasn't as impressed as I was when I first ate it. But it was good. 

When I visited the old WHISTLE STOP DINER, I could naturally say that I was from Japan and was looking forward to having this "KURTZY" Omelette" often seen in online photos to the waitress at that time. She was bright, efficient and friendly.

New WHISTLE STOP has an open stylish vibe, while old WHISTLE STOP was a cozy and warm place.

My own memories of old WHISTLE STOP are friendliness, thoughtfulness for customers, and heartfelt welcome... It might be a good old American style. Those traits were suitable for cozy space, but difficult to keep in a spacious space? Maybe coziness doesn't coexist with spaciousness.

After the late lunch, we stepped out and basked in the sun for a while. In retrospect, we weren't in WHISTLE STOP DINER for very long.

These are houses in the immediate vicinity of WHISTLE STOP DINER.

Which do you like, old WHISTLE STOP or new WHISTLE STOP? I asked Collie. He said new one was nice, but he liked that old one was more featuring in the interior, this place was once a whistle stop.

Collie kindly took a photo for me, with WHISTLE STOP DINER in the background. There is expanded patio seating that wasn't there before. 

I was hoping restaurant employees were not looking at me with a derisive expression while I was posing for the picture in front of the restaurant. 

I accept it if they are not very happy about my visit, I don't know if it's because I am Japanese. However, I still think they serve high quality, delicious food and there are more food I'd like to try. So, I'll come back here again during this stay in Michigan. 

The old WHISTLE STOP DINER is in my heart forever.  *Rose*