May 31, 2024

The second attempt★ at new WISTLE STOP DINER

We came to WISTLE STOP DINER for lunch again. Though we just came yesterday, I really wanted to try other menu items on this trip💨 

The diner was almost empty when we came in. We were not taken to our seats when we entered, so we chose a table with a good view of the outside. Collie brushed bread crumbs off his seat. Then he was a little surprised to see me also brushing the crumbs off my seat.

A different waitress than yesterday came to our table for taking the order. I ordered one burger from HANDMADE ANGUS STEAK BURGERS section on the menu. In response to her "How would you like your steak?", I answered "Medium rare." I thought "medium" at first, but then I reconsidered and changed it to "medium rare" to avoid overcooking. 

Arugula, Tomato, Onion & Mayo
with Home Fries & a Dill Pickle

I love French Fries of WISTLE STOP DINER💕 It's as good as I remembered😊 Today, I ordered coffee☕️ to enjoy with my American meal. Later, I realized no waitress went around refilling coffee anymore, different from the former WISTLE STOP DINER before renovation. It's a shame... Oh well, I guess it's inconvenient for staffs since the diner is now bigger than before. 

While I was eating it, I noticed that the beef patty was undercooked. It was too rare😰 The beef was scorched on the outside and raw in the middle. Collie agreed that it was very rare inside. I see, this is the way how "medium rare" is cooked. But we hesitated to ask, like, "Could you please cook it a bit more?". Besides, the surface of the patty was already charred black💦 A raw meat burger was sad for me who visited Birmingham all the way from Japan after covid-19 pandemic😭 

Collie had just ordered Sweet Potato Fries for himself. He didn't have much appetite. Though my coffee cup got empty, it's hard for me to say "Could I get a refill?". It is all right...since - I'm sorry, but - the coffee was a little insipid.

However, French Fries are great ever! If I have a next chance, I will say "Medium" for my burger.

Collie paid the bill and we approached the exit. I was standing a bit away from him.  Then -

"Have a nice day!!!"

The same waitress as yesterday said so only to Collie friendlily with big smile in a loud voice.

Rose: 😦

I stayed on the sidelines. I seem to be unwelcome here. Is there a third visit sometime, I wonder? I know Collie won't come unless he is with me. 

I want to eat French Fries of WISTLE STOP DINER even just one more time. Also, I hope to try other items. I think I'll ask him to accompany me likewise if I can come here again in the future. Or...

Does anyone know a good French Fries place!?

Thank you all for watching my second visit to new WISTLE STOP DINER, Rose