October 19, 2019

How about long-selling milk soap as a gift from Japan?

Japanese men and women of all ages know Cow Soap, that is also familiar to me. In spite that it's of good quality, a cake of soap is only less than $1! It is not all natural, however, I suppose being 100% natural is not always necessary.

It contains milk powder. Cow Beaty Soap is suitable for washing your face as well as your body.


■Red one provides gently moist finish of washing with excellent creamy lather and rose scent.
■Blue one provides fresh feeling finish of washing with excellent soft lather and jasmine scent.

Everlasting gentleness is something never changes.  ■ is from 1928〜, and ■ is 1942〜

I use blue one regularly♪ Jasmine scent is really refreshing when it lathers well...

How about Japanese milk soap as the gift from Japan?
Red & Blue box won the GOOD DESIGN LONG LIFE DESIGN AWARD 2016!

October 14, 2019

the very first snow flowers of the year *with lylics*

Ah... Snow Flowers...!

I found a snow flowers on the car window. Though I had seen snow during my stay in Michigan, it was the first I saw the shape of flowers made of snow this year.

The time is approaching when we must leave for Detroit International Airport.

I saw the very first snow flowers of the year when I left Michigan in the morning. It was January 5th, 2019.

The coffee shop is quietly standing on the corner in an airport lounge. It looks solitary, but has a point since it seems to provide every kind of drink & light meal which satisfy our need. 

I appreciated that there was still a Christmas tree. 

Mixed feelings of calmness while spending time with Collie and loneliness for leaving Michigan soon.

The time has come, and I realize I can't touch you anymore. My gentle Collie... As your figure is getting dim, I always feel my soul is breaking.    Nevertheless -

Say...departure is a new start.

Wherever I am, my heart is there for you....in Michigan, for me, which is pure like a fresh snow.           

Love always, Rose

Snow  Flowers  Mika Nakashima   〜Hayley sings a Japanese song〜

Together hand in hand we walked through evening gloom  
Long shadows on the pavement, cast from the sunset sky  
If only this would last until the end of time
And if this is forever I swear that I could cry

The northern wind starts to blow
And the smell of winter's in the air
As we take each step upon the ground
The season of love grows near

❄️ We could share the very first snow flowers of the year
in your arms where I belong
Watch as the city turns from grey to white
The day turns into night
Love that floats like wayward clouds, that's not what we're about
Sure and strong is my love for you
❄︎ And it comes from the bottom of my heart

With you by my side, to catch me when I fall
I can cast my fears aside; feel twice as tall
If only this would last, this smile upon my face 
And if this is forever, you're my saving grace

The nights were so cold without you
And the days were always short on light
Now a fire's warming me through
And suddenly this upturned world is feeling right

Repeat ❄️

If there comes a time when you have lost your way
I'll turn myself into a star to guide you through
If ever you find tears upon your face
I will be there, always be there for you

Repeat ❄️    Except ❄︎

The city turns from grey to white
The day turns into night

We could share the very first snow flowers of the year
in your arms where I belong
Cold winds from the North blow
The sky casts its last glow
But you and I are standing strong

October 13, 2019

Detroit night view & warm dinner at home

Detroit River in the twilight...☆

We left Detroit for home. I wish I could be here just a few more moments to admire the wonderful view, but we should get going since I will have to get back to Japan tomorrow.

What I wanted to eat for the last dinner was, not at the restaurant which has a good reputation, but at Collie's home.

Sigh... A woman who says "Really~!? Can you take me to that gorgeous restaurant?  I'm so excited! Thank you!!!" - must be a good example to be chased after and admired by a man. I am the opposite.

I wanted to taste this delicious rich cheese that increases its deep taste day by day, with a homemade style baguette toasted crisply on the top side.

We sautéed frozen meal...😅  We shared Japanese beer which I brought from Japan💞

Ooh!!! I almost forgot taking Chicken Caesar salad out of a fridge! I made it at the last minute👌

I really don't like wasting food.  I am just who I am.

😸Collie was curious to know what's in the box given by a lady in Detroit....  So I opened it.

Wow🎵  It is a chocolate💕

Some filling of the chocolate is pistachio cream, you know, that yellowish green one. Collie took a bite and looked inside..

Collie "WA!sabi~~~"   ^^♪


Rose "N-no no, it is pistachio, not wasabi."                 Note: wasabi = Japanese horseradish

Collie "Wa!!sabi~~~"   ^^♪♪

(--). . . . .

So... a gift to me from a lady in Detroit became our dessert.

Of course Collie knows wasabi is different from pistachio. He is just being playful.

I enjoy going to a fancy restaurant, but also love this kind of meal at home.  I just hope I can still be attractive for a man. Can I...? 💧

October 12, 2019

Let's go to see a lady in Detroit!

Collie "Can I treat them to dinner?"

Once we were invited to the couple's house and had a blast there. So he told an idea in return for their hearty hospitality.

While I was in Michigan, we told her the available days if we'd get together somewhere, but it seemed they couldn't make it. It is no wonder those days were not good for them because everybody is busy with family or other events during New Year holidays.

Finished a tour at CAPUCHIN IN DETROIT, Collie sent a text to a lady in Detroit to see whether she'd have a time to meet up for just a little bit after work. It was her first work day of the year.

Detroit River in the evening. The further side of the river is Windsor, Canada.

It is not our will to surprise people so often. Therefore, it was the first and last attempt.
We got a reply from her. She said she'd see us after work. Sweet!

We hung out in the metropolitan areas of Detroit until the time when we could see her.

She showed up and we talked for a while. Wearing fashionable clothes, she looked brilliantly happy. She talked about a coming festival here, though it was after I went back to Japan unfortunately.

She will go to the fitness club with her husband this night. Collie told her that he was thinking about a restaurant with them, but Rose said no because she wanted to finish eating leftovers at home...

Collie took a picture of me & a lady in Detroit against an awesome spectacle. Sorry, it is a half of the picture because I don't get approval to upload her side. But imagine how great the whole picture is! I definitely love it and it became a precious memory of mine.

Thank you Collie for making a chance to see her, thank you for paying honor to my friend...
Thank you Lady in Detroit for accepting our sudden visit and showing us your joyful smile...

"Bring back this to Japan." She handed me a package in a paper bag when we said bye. Then, she left for her husband's office.  

Collie said to me later, "I won't come to the festival. "


Thank you Collie. It's sad if you alone come to the festival in Detroit. If you come, I want to come with you.

+  +  +

Afterwards, she was back in Japan temporalily this summer. If I could see her in person, there would have been something I'd like to talk with. But she didn't contact me.

Rose, she wants to spend her valuable time with her family and friends in Japan. Don't bother her life.

You have the power to create your life. Believe the infinite power within you.

Yes, Lord.

I think it turned out to be the best.  I face loneliness in Japan.

Time flies.

The world is constantly changing.

However  -

This scene, I saw again and again

This magnificent scene in Detroit

That is imprinted in my memory and remains in me.                

On the day of a tempest in Tokyo region, Rose