December 22, 2019

The beauty of Marunouch Naka-Dori Street in this season

September 2019

I was struggling for the completion of Media Data, that is effective as a sales tool and also a reference book for each one who works in the advertising field. The work is published in November 1st every year. It takes us more than half a year to renew the data and it was in the final stage toward the end of September. Due to lack of workforce, I covered almost parts of the book. Sometimes, I found a way on my own because skilled staff was busy at researching work and I didn't want to bother his or her time.

Now that busy season has ended, I can finally relax! I took my new staff who greatly helped out our work from August to Marunouchi Naka-Dori Street, that is the Avenue I come back to refresh myself. I walk from my office to the high-end street from time to time.

Oh, look! There are partial lights already in September! It was a pleasant surprise...

The classic Tokyo Station view from Shin Marunouchi building
With my absolutely competent & beautiful junior. She finds out my quality.  

November 2019

November 1st, Media Data 2020 was delivered. I can have my free time from now! I can take off earlier! 

The joy was short-lived. 

My boss offered the idea that I would start studying to become a marketing researcher with her. I had no choice but to accept the offer. To survive at my company. 

I'd already applied for a 7-week program of online English lessons because I thought I would be free after the completion of Media Data. 

Unfamiliar new tasks without the detailed explanation at work. I didn't have time for the online English after work. So, I decided to get up at 5:30 every morning to do it. When I worked until 22:00 or even 23:00, I felt so fatigued with work and life. 

I went through those 7 weeks. And I keep reviewing it over and over again, taking my time to memorize living English I learned. 

I was feeling I hadn't done anything in 2019, but now, I accomplished one at least. Good job, me! 

I visited Marunouchi Naka-Dori Street again. Lights are increasing in number toward Christmas. The festive season is approaching... I was with the coworker.

December 2019

The cover design of Media Data 2020 got an award.

I had the first experience to teach Boom Research as a lecturer at the beginning of other division's meeting. It is the first presentation in front of everyone in my life, isn't it? 

She attended the meeting to assist me. When we got out of the room after the small seminar we did, she was like, it was perfect. I appreciate her words, and I believe what she said. While I was speaking at the room, I realized my passion and clear voice. I could appeal how practical the system is to people and explained how to operate it in plain words. Yes, it worked! 

Around the end of year, I feel like I achieved another something important in my stage. 


Champaigne gold lights got more and more luxurious.

This time, I worked from our office to Marunouchi Naka-Dori Street with my boss, and the new staff. Decorated city was full of joy. We all had a blast, walking along the avenue with brilliant trees.

In January 2020, I and she are going to attend the marketing research seminar for beginners at the boss's suggestion. We respect him, and it is fortunate to be given an opportunity to learn. 

Where am I going? She is smiling, yes, she is clever and can do anything. But I? Am I really able to become a marketing researcher? I'm not sure if I am talented for that business. I don't even know if I want to become. Phew! But I'll have to give it a try.

 I'm just going with the flow.
Thank you so much all of you for visiting my site.
Wishing you a very merry Christmas!   Rose xxx

December 1, 2019

The blue and white world - gazing out of the FINNAIR window

When I fly, it never ceases to fascinate me what an amazing view may be seen from the cabin window.

I am making a flying trip from Japan to Finland.

Sitting by the window.

I'm not sure where I am heading for in my life. I still have a strong will to live in Michigan, but as long as there's nothing I can do about it  - except praying -  I should focus my mind on what I can do now.

See the world I've never known.

Actually, I am not sure if I really want to visit Finland.

Just do it, Rose. Thinking will follow after action, or occurs while acting.

Dazzling blue and white. They change appearances gradually and I can't stop admiring the beauty of the aerial prospect.

Nobody knows the future.

I put my energy into every little task I'm doing right now with all my strength.

I focus on what I can do moving forward.

Because every crossway on the road will leads to the future.

My work has been tough right now, but I'm hanging in there.  Rose

November 24, 2019

November 16, 2019

I want to see the world. The reason I decided to visit Finland.

Looking back, I have almost always traveled to U.S.A. in my life. I've started to think...

I should visit Scandinavia at least once in my life.

So which country among Northern Europe should I have a trip to?

I decided to go to Helsinki, Finland. 

Because of my work schedule, I could only be away from work for a few days. There is a direct line between Tokyo and Helsinki. Way to go!

I've read that Japan and Finland are the countries where you get your lost wallet back. It was impressive. I know of course it's not always, though.

Shy, smart, and modest. "Me time" is valued. All the locals speak English. Those are the reasons that made me interested in Finland.  

I'm going to fulfill my dream for this 3 days off my work! My first Northern Europe.

See the world I've never seen. 

I want to get around the city of Helsinki on my own and broaden my perceptions.

Reading about it, or imagination is different from understanding from experience.

I am flying to the world I've never known.  I can see it with my own eyes. 

Being on FINNAIR is the beginning of my first Finland. 

Marimekko paper napkin♪  I am celebrating my departure with white wine♡

It took me years to realize my potential dream. 

I have been trying to find the reason why I don't need to go to Finland. 

Now, I'm on an airplane looking down the heavenly sky.  It was my decision.

I'm going to Finland on summer holiday.   
Early in summer, Jun 14th, 2019