January 4, 2020

a station plaza and a city street in Helsinki, Finland

Got out of Ring Rail Line.
Looking back, people were walking to Helsingin rautatieasema (Helsinki Central Station).

The building over there must be the Helsinki station building. However, I didn't recognized it then. I don't know why, but I went out of the platform directly to the city road instead of walking into the station. It was a surprise, we don't need to go through the station to go out to the city.

Later, it became a reason I missed R-kioski where I can buy my day ticket (IC card for the transportation in Helsinki). In the station, truly there are shops to the point for travelers like me.

I had a map, but I was not sure and I relied on my hunch as to which direction I should go first to reach my hotel.

It looks like a station plaza.

It started to sprinkle a little bit... Unfortunate, when I'm with my suitcase... But it didn't get harder.

I sat at the bench in the park, and looked around to try to orient myself in the city, comparing each building with the map page of my guide book.

Suomen Kansallisteatteri - National theater

I can't believe it, I am really in Finland, the first Scandinavia for me. Oh I really came!

Then, I managed to walk towards Stockmann (department store) somehow with a map by my side.

It was a gorgeous street! And brilliant fruits caught my eyes. I bought various fruits in one plastic case. Sweet! I can eat fresh fruits at the hotel🎶

Woah!  That's wild! 

I'm in Northern Europe.  What kind of experience is waiting for me?  I am so thrilled.

January 2, 2020

December 30, 2019

Season's Greetings and Best wishes for the New Year【Photos by Collie】

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."

JAMES 1:17

St.Joseph Catholic Church in Lake Orion, Michigan

Dear everyone, I say thank you to have visited Rose's site this year. 

I am going to keep posting my Finland journey. On the other hand, you can see Michigan days through photographs from Collie who lives in Michigan.

I want to share St.Joseph Catholic Church's divine beauty with you. 

On Christmas Eve, I was working at the office until quarter past 22:00 and I couldn't go to church in Japan. So, this picture became a holy gift from Collie. 

He also sent -


a greeting card picture to me.
It is Maria and baby Jesus expressed in Japanese style. 
May the Peace of Christ and every Happiness fill your heart this Christmas and the New Year!

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:
The old has gone, the new is here!"


Good luck with everything you do next year...
All the best for 2020, Rose

December 28, 2019

I took Ring Rail Line from Helsinki Vantaa International Airport.


Inside the airport

There is a drugstore around the area which leads to the public transportation. I thought it must be expensive as it's in the airport, but it was pretty reasonable.

These pastries seemed quite popular among Finnish people. I saw men, flight attendants, and boys picking up these pastries one after another. Wanted to know how to buy it, I watched how they weigh it on the scale before going to the checkout counter.

I tried "karjalanpiirakka" on the left side of the above picture. I wondered what's inside, and later on the train, I found it was a rice pudding wrapped with a rye & flour sheet. I am Japanese and my stomach felt happy to have rice in Europe.

Collie! I found a Border Collie at Star Bucks in the Airport. I sent this picture to Collie, saying, "I saw you in the airport in Finland!"

From Helsinki Vantaa International Airport, I needed to ride a train to go to Rautatieasema(Helsinki Central Station). P line, I line, both will be OK because it is a loop line! :)

I bought a ticket on the platform. I was nervous, but a kind man helped me to buy it. ^^

You can use a bus as you like.

It takes about 30 minutes from Helsinki Vantaa International Airport to Helsinki Central Station.

I took pictures of Ring Rail Line on the opposite platform through a window. If mine is P line, that line should be I line.

Quiet, peaceful time...in spite that I was checking each station's name on the sign board every time the train stoped.

Don't worry, Rose. You can relax. Destination is Helsinki Central Station.