April 29, 2020

A pistachio roll for lunch & brilliant Helsinki Cathedral

Having a short rest at the hotel St.GEORGE. 

A pistachio roll with sliced almonds on top became my lunch today. It is a bread from Eromanga at Hakaniemen Kauppahalli (Hakaniemi Market Hall). It was a little sweet, and a mild taste. I admired the subtle green color layered into the dough.

The one of impressive vivid red is "KOFF", a popular beer in Finland. It is smooth, like...goes with everything! 

I stepped out of the hotel and hung around Esplanadin Puisto (Esplanadi Park). The yellow cute shop is called Kauniste and sells charming daily goods. I didn't buy anything, but enjoyed looking around.

One of the nice things in Helsinki is people can wear whatever they want, like, elegant dresses, too. Sometimes, we should wear jeans or T-shirts properly as tourists so we don't stand out from the rest of the crowd. However, I don't have to worry about it here in Helsinki since people are dressed as they wish. 

I love it!  Everyone do their own thing.

Helsingin Tuomiokirkko (Helsinki Cathedral)

The contrast between chalky outer walls and green domes is magnificent. 
Helsinki Cathedral is the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral of Helsinki, located in the center of Helsinki, Finland. 

In the dazzling light, I look up at the Cathedral.  The chalk was shining way more brilliantly. 

April 26, 2020

dogwoods & fancy lunch dish to go

I have been feverish since this Friday night, so stay at home and just lie down on the bed most of my time this weekend. Sunday evening, I still feel under the weather. So I'll go to bed again.

Cherry blossoms are falling down gradually and we see dogwoods lately. Dog? Not sure why it's called dogwood, though. It's interesting. I found a nice cafe a young couple manages on the first floor at their house. The pictures were taken on the day I was taking a walk to the place for to go. 

It takes about 22 min. on foot from my apartment one way and it's a good walking exercise at the same time. 
Blessed Sunday to you... Rose.

April 19, 2020

Fun shopping at S-Market & hanging around Hakaniemi Market Hall

It's always fun to see what kinds of things there are at the supermarket abroad.
The weather is very nice this afternoon. Leaving Hakaniemi Market Hall, I wanted to walk in this area as much as I could.
I am a tourist visiting in Helsinki, but I'm hanging around just following my heart as if I were one of the local people.
To see something not in the guidebook! 
While exploring, I was talked by an Asian young guy with the words I couldn't understand. He must have thought I was the one from the same country as him. 

"I am sorry I can't understand what you're saying because I am Japanese, but have a nice day!" I said to him with a smile. :)

It happens pretty frequently when I'm both in foreign countries and in Japan. It's all right.
The medieval architecture in Finland catch my eyes. How nicely it harmonizes with the modern cityscape!
New green leaves are full of hope. For me, this building is like a historic dormitory.
After enjoying walking the town to the full, I went into S-Market. Open 24/7, good assortment for all likings, many familiar brands, and decent price! 
These Finnish bread became my favorite! How great people can buy such high-quality bread freely at the local market. I wish I could get them in Japan! Thin, dense, yet fluffy texture is really my taste and goes with any kind of ingredients as a sandwich. 

And familiar Finnish chocolates were souvenirs for my family, friends and co-workers. (and myself, of course)

I felt sorry for a casher because she had to process every single item of the chocolates with a cash register. However, she was kind in her behavior, and smiling. Maybe she knew they would be lovely presents from Finland in my country. She might even know I am Japanese. It was impressive. 
I preserve classy rows of houses along the street. 

Though I was planning to go to Hakaniemi Market Hall again for my lunch, I was worried whether the chocolate would melt in the sunny weather. I am going to my hotel first to put my purchases, and then I will come back here again. 

The chocolate is full of precious memories in Finland.

April 18, 2020

Exploring the Natural Beauty of my Hometown

I am remote working as many people of the counties. When I felt like I needed a refreshing time away from facing a company laptop all the time, I got out of my room and took a walk. There was a place I'd like to see in such a pleasantly warm day.

Sweet!!! Different kind of cherry blossoms - double flowered cherry blossoms - are full in bloom. It's SO lovely!

I was stunned by how beautifully it was blooming quietly in the corner of a high school grounds. I realized it's really spring now.

Miniature yellow roses are seen here and there♪

And also, I saw double flowered cherry trees blooming in the schoolyard of an elementary school with no one in there. We have a declaration of a state of emergency over COVID-19. High schools are closed during this time. 

This house seems to open a cafe on the first floor. How cleanly flower pots are arranged!
Even if I don't go somewhere by train, I can find the beauty of nature around my hometown. 

You know that spring has come when you see pansies.

The nature takes my breath away.

I wanted to come back to this street where I walked with Collie when he visited Japan. Stealthily, it is my walking course in my heart. 

Dear everyone in the world, take in magnificent scenery in your hometown as you relax.
Love, Rose