September 5, 2022

Charming ANGELINA shows up from time to time at the pop-up store in Gotanda Station.

 ANGELINA!  Wow, a new store of ANGELINA opened at Gotanda atation!?

Mont Blanc of ANGELINA from Paris is my favorite. How happy, I can get it at my town from now, but it's also a struggle with temptation...! While I didn't buy it, the store had gone. Later, I knew it was a pop-up store.

On the contrary, it's not so bad. If there is a chance to see such a tempting Mont Blanc every time I exit the ticket gate, I can't help buying it.

I missed it, but ANGELINA came back to the pop-up store again. I tasted it after a longtime and realized nothing beat this. I can't wait for the next time already. The mood of Mont Blanc must be even more great in autumn.

August 28, 2022

One Drink Free with 3 vaccinations for Covid-19 at FRIDAYS in Gotanda until 9/30(FRI), 2022!

TGI FRIDAYS Gotanda is showing a mellow atmosphere on the road along Meguro River. The classic building is nice with greenery as well as a calm ambience.

Maybe I'll try NACHOS sometime as variety toppings like melted cheese, vegetables, guacamole, and sour cream looks good. Which kind of drink you'd like to enjoy when you have NACHOS? 

What?  One free drink if you are vaccinated 3 times for Covid-19??  If so, you can get one free drink any number of times during the period until 9/30 (FRI), 2022!

I'm sorry, but I can't receive that benefit.  Instead, my benefit is living healthy longer without side effects from mRNA vaccine in the name of clinical trial.  -  Because I'm unvaccinated. 

August 13, 2022

August sunset & pink moment in Oxford, Michigan

So...Collie often sends me photos taken in Michigan. I post some of them on my blog to convey beauty of Michigan to my dear readers. If I live in Michigan or not depends on his decision.

A mellow sunset in Oxford, Michigan. 

Collie says he prefers to live near the lake. He loves being tranquil place. On the contrary, I am more of a city lover. But I think I understand how he loves a place rich in nature like this.

Pink moment at sunset also in Oxford, Michigan. 

Oxford seems to be a place he wants to find a new house to live in. I hope the day will come soon. 

I am enjoying city life in Tokyo. I'm thinking about quitting my job earlier to live a meaningful life. What was my purpose in this earth? What I can do to enrich my life? Earning money devoted my time to the company was needed to save money to live, but I don't need to stick there until the last minutes, otherwise I will lose my precious time for doing what I like. 

I 'm thinking about above-mentioned things these days. I'm not sure the day I'll fly to Michigan will come. Even if I will stay in Japan for good, I should do what I want to do. With my present life overtaxing my eyes where I'm so fatigued every day, I can't study English as I like. 

My purpose is English. If I can't have a life in Michigan, I will fulfill my dream in Japan!   

Thank you for hearing my thought, Rose

August 7, 2022

My heart has already broken under repeated denials to my dearest hope.

Will the day come?  The day, the unvaccinated such as me can fly to Michigan not just as a tourist... 

I appreciate Collie often sends me Michigan photos to fill me in, but my heart is somewhat vacant.
I live in Japan, and I don't know what I should feel from those pictures. 

Which way I should channel my passion or energy into, Michigan where I might live, or here in Tokyo where my life is? The fact it is still uncertain after more than a dozen years is agony for me.

God, May I ask you a favor?  "Please let him decide."

My heart has already broken under repeated denials to my dearest hope. It's too cruel. I don't want to be given a false hope any longer.
I look forward to hearing from you, Rose