December 30, 2022

Separate seats at GATE CITY OSAKI, and a classic night scene of GATE CITY PLAZA

A while ago, I wrote about GATE CITY PLAZA at It was my little hope to be seated up there and look down in the spacious atmosphere. Visiting GATE CITY PLAZA around the end of November, I found my wished seats available, changed into separate seats. 

There was a decorated Christmas tree. People are coming back and each person is doing their own thing.

Though I couldn't find vacant seats on the side looking down the lower floor, I found an only one vacant seat facing a well-maintained courtyard. It's not bad. I was gazing out the window for a short while.

People are spending their own time. What an airy and comfortable environment they can study in!

A individual seat on the opposite side got vacant! I moved to the open seat where I can look down the floor downstairs. Oh, this is what I wanted to do!

In a way, this might have been the last time I could feel Christmassy this year. Looking back, I enjoyed happy Christmas vibe in this spacious area.

Then, I went out of the building and saw classy lights of GATE CITY PLAZA, which is in GATE CITY OSAKI. I never knew there was such a beautiful place.

A little lonely at night.

I didn't eat a cake nor a luxurious meal at Christmas. But it doesn't matter. The true joy of Christmas is in the everlasting love of Christ.

Wishing you had a joyous Christmas, wishing you blessings in the coming New Year...

Thank you for visiting my blog this year. I will see you again here soon.    Happy Holidays! Rose

December 25, 2022

Prayer of Comfort

I'm truly sorry Rose.

 You are a good daughter. And he has been a good father. You have been blessed with faithful, good, and honorable parents.
 I only met him a couple times, but was glad to be able to meet such a good man. I am saddened at his passing.
 May you, your mother, and your family be comforted at this time by memory and knowledge of his love and care for all of you.

 May God have mercy, and may His eternal light shine upon him.

 Your father, and all your family are in my prayers today.     Collie

I'm sorry again for your loss Rose.

I was at church praying this evening....


Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. (Matthew 5:4)

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18)

Prayer of Comfort

You hold time within your hands, and see it all, from beginning to end. Please keep and carry these precious people in their sadness and loss. Cover them with your great wings of love, give their weary hearts rest and their minds sound sleep.

Lord, lift their eyes so that they may catch a glimpse of eternity, and be comforted by the promise of heaven.

We ask all this in the precious name of Jesus.

November 23, 2022

How about a Japanese authentic chestnuts cream cake in Ginza?

Do you know "Mont Blanc" with regard to cake?  It's a piece of cake!?  Well...
There is a few places where you can savor an elegant "Mont Blanc" in Ginza, Tokyo.

"Mont Blanc" is a chestnuts cream cake.  Cafe de Ginza Miyuki-kan provides you with a lovely time among fancy interior decoration of the cafe.

Though we've got used to staying in since working from home became the new normal, hanging out leisurely with a friend that I get along with is a different time. It was a special time. My beautiful friend who showed up to work wearing a vivid orange dress is a mother of a girl now. 

I'll try to visit this cafe by myself in the near future. I miss that natural taste of the Chestnut Mont Blanc. White cream inside is not so sweet and really tasty as well as Japanese Chestnuts cream richly covering the cake.

Also, I'm looking forward to getting together with my good friend somewhere again soon.

Joy, peace, happiness and love,

November 13, 2022

contrails from jets and a peaceful lake in the morning

Good morning Rose...
I hope you are well, and resting your body.

I went for a walk this morning. Returning, I saw contrails from jets, and I thought about your concerns that they are chemicals...though, I believe it is water vapor.

I hope so, Collie. I want Michigan to be at peace. At my place, small planes or helicopters are flying somehow late at night, and it seems that nobody can tell us for what purpose they are flying.

I miss you, Collie. I wish I could be with you in Michigan.