January 9, 2024

Rochester Train Depot & Elevator → Catching Fireflies

What do you think this wooden building is? 

203 E University Dr, Rochester, MI 48307, United States

What a fairy-tale-like atmosphere this building is creating! 

And it has a healing effect. I wondered what this place was?

This small historic building was a train depot in the past.
There used to be a railroad next to it!

The original train depot is now being used commercially as. . .

The historical building has been passed down and used with care to this day.
It's wonderful!

Click ❤︎here❤︎ for flying soap bubbles♬

January 5, 2024

Taking care of myself & Rose style healthy carrot cake

Happy New Year to all of you☺ How did you spend New Year's?

Today, let me share my carrot cake I baked during this holidays with you before I resume a Michigan travel journal.

I call it "healthy" carrot cake because I'm using organic rolled oats & rice flour (gluten free!), non oil this time! (I just forgot adding...😅 I usually use a little ghee and olive oil), and less sugar. I just put plain cream cheese on top instead of cream cheese frosting. You can feel delicious natural flavor.

This is "Toshikoshi soba" my brother made for my mother. "Toshikoshi soba" is a traditional noodle bowl dish made from buckwheat which Japanese people eat on New Year's Eve. It is said to bring good luck and longevity because they are long and thin. My brother made the dish using duck meat!

On the other hand, I made "Ozoni", traditional New Year's soup with rice cakes and vegetables at my place. I'm cutting each rice cake into 5 pieces because I haven't been able to open my mouth enough since I got injured. That's why I spent this holiday alone at my condo to have a good rest quietly.

It was all of a sudden. I hit my left face strongly on December 23, so I'm barely able to eat with the right side of my mouth slowly. I'm cutting food into small pieces and thinly. I'm taking care of my left knee too. However, I appreciate that I didn't break any bones. I'm saved. Thank you God! 

It doesn't look traditional Japanese, but I cerebrated the New Year in a small way I could while my face and knee ached. 

This muffins are made of plenty grated carrot and apple. Also, an egg, soy milk... Thinner ones have cinnamon in them. I like without cinnamon ones better as they taste very natural and gentle.

I think the beauty is that a carrot cake baked without cocoa brings out the original taste of ingredients and shows each ingredients well when divided. The cut dates are adding lovely sweetness to a cake(muffin). If you want more sweetness, it's pretty to add honey on cream cheese❤︎

I still have pain and can't open my mouth very much, however, the swelling / the gray bruising of my face are gradually going down. I will continue to take a good care of myself😌

I wish everyone a year full of blessings, fun moments, and good health.  Rose

December 28, 2023

My last day of work by God and a Christmas card from Collie

Nov.30, 2023 was my last day of work. Actually, I still belong to Strategic Planing Department, Creative Solution Division of an advertising agency until the end of December, however, I took my remaining paid leaves in whole December. 

Nov.30 became God's day for me. I could happen to see all the persons I wanted to see one last time at the office. Like, as if by magic, I run into a person I had something to say additionally to at the locker, also, another person I wanted to see in person while passing each other around the entrance, both of them again in the elevator going down when I was leaving, and at last a director whom my boss didn't see at the office, but I saw waiting at the light. Moreover, my boss made a phone call to a person of HR Team because she misunderstood she'd submit my return items such as PC etc. to them (actually, to General Affairs Department). That's why we knew the HR parson was on the way to the office and wanted to see me for chat before I left the company. Otherwise I had already left the company after we submitted my return items to General Affairs Department when he got to the office. There were more coincidences. It was like a miracle. So, I think it's the power of God. 

People wish me the best of luck in my new stage. As Collie wished, I can maintain friendships with some of my coworkers.

A top specialist of the company wrote back to my email of gratitude. I read her email just before I closed my PC lastly. She described me as blow.

  •  I pay close attention to details at work.
  • Clients were happy when she handed over Media Data 2024 to them.
  • The know-how, ideas I created and left in the intranet will remain and continue to help company's people to learn.
"Media Data" is an annual booklet created by my central supervision. It indicates the characteristics of every media such as marketing/internet/train/bus/newspaper/magazine/radio/tv/area data plus advertising law. Not only intended for internal use when planing, but aIso a sales tool that mainly Sales Department people pass directory to clients.

I appreciate what she wrote to me, and I will never forget it.

at Meguro Catholic Church
Though I'm in the process of posting my June 2023 Michigan journal, I update you a little about my life as a final post in 2023.

Collie wrote to me on Nov.25, 2023
I hope you keep some good memories, skills, pictures, and experiences from your work place. 
You are appreciated, and will be missed....

Collie wrote to me on Nov.30, 2023
Now, I hope you can rest your body, and mind more often.
You have gained wisdom, friends, and knowledge.
You have been a great contributor to the company success.
May tomorrow bring you rest, new skills, new experiences, and new smiles.
Sincere warm wishes on your new day...

Collie wrote to me on Dec.21, 2023
I hope you are well and enjoying some new things and gaining health.
I awoke with fever and headaches but must go to work appointments somehow today. I'm not in good condition. I have a card for you...but didn't mail yet. I'm sorry.

Collie showed the card in his email on Christmas Eve. I will wait for the postal card to arrive to me. The above picture of me is...16 years ago or so.... It's taken in Birmingham! I still have the rose hat and the white scarf. I was blogging in Japanese before and the picture is seen there. If you are interested in my first blog in Japanese, you can find the link in ABOUT ROSE → my complete profile.

I leave the company where I have worked for long years. In 2024, I will mull over and do what I really want to accomplish in my life. 

I will resume my June 2023 Michigan journal here. I will express my Michigan in words along with photos I took. Those photos are still abundant!

I'm so grateful that you could be here to see my blog. May our hopeful wishes brighten up our life with achievements through the new year...☆

See you in 2024, Rose

December 21, 2023

what I ordered for lunch on a second visit to Downtown Cafe Rochester in one day

Again, I came to Downtown Cafe Rochester! I'm going to a different place tomorrow with Collie, so I ordered what I wanted to eat for lunch at the same place as earlier this morning for breakfast! It's open until 3:00 pm on Saturday, and I arrived there a little before 2:00 pm, I think. I was not hungry enough after a big breakfast here ...😅

The owner welcomed me, saying gently, like, "Please have a seat wherever you like." as he said so when I visited a little past 7:00 am today. I wonder if he remembers me. I hope so, but I can't tell from the way he speaks. 

The beautiful waitress who served me for breakfast is here, but I'm not sure whether she recognized me. I was served by another waitress this time (she was beautiful, too!).

Michigan Pancakes
Sun dried cherries, apples, and walnuts. Served with Fresh Fruit. $12.59

It was attractive, but voluminous again!👀 (I enjoyed the rest later at the hotel with coffee❤︎

Waitresses are together preparing table napkins and seasonings around a table while having a good conversation. I thought it was wonderful. 

After eating as much as I could without overdoing it, I said to the waitress,  

"Hey, can I have a doggy bag!?"  

I meant to say "Hey" in a friendly manner, however, I got to know it was not very polite as a customer to use for a waitress after I tried asking Collie about it since I was just wondering. Oh I messed up..😓

If I have a chance to visit there, I want to interact with people at Downtown Cafe Rochester more naturally. And it would be so nice if I was recognized and welcomed friendly like a regular/fan by the gentle owner & beautiful waitresses.

Menu - Downtown Cafe Rochester, Michigan
My video at breakfast & lunch on 20230618

May this day be the day to lead you to peace, to happiness, and to joy, Rose