January 7, 2023

Baking a whole small pumpkin in the oven makes a sweet & healthy snack.

I just have to have it when I see a small pumpkin at the greengrocers. Usually I just put it in the oven and bake at 190°C for 30 minutes or so. It depends on each pumpkin's size, but when it smells delicious, it's getting ready❤︎👌

I leave it for a while in the oven to make it juicy and soft using the residual heat. When it gets no longer too hot, cut it like a cake. Of course it's delicious eaten as is. A pumpkin baked in the oven is increasing sweetness. Or you can pour maple syrup etc. onto a slice of pumpkin if you like😘

How about this easy snack of a cute pumpkin when you want to eat something sweet, but healthy snack for yourself?

January 6, 2023

Attractive lilies have bloomed!

The delivery Collie imaged multiple roses into when he ordered has bloomed excellent lilies.

Great lilies... What a brilliant color they show! I feel a strong smell they go off in my room since they opened flowers. The cherry cloth I bought in Saint Ignace might look a little too pretty for big and mature lilies. 

It's still holidays because I took 2 extra days off for Collie to come to Japan. But the flower arrangement is a substitute for him. He is also doing something in Michigan now. Taking a walk in my town on a sunny day for winter, - he should be here! - I can't help feeling so.

Love is like a flower - you've got to let it grow
John Lennon

We are in long distance relationship. The "long" is not only about distance, but also time. Our situation may not get any better, it may stay like this forever. How can I let it grow?  That is...

To focus on myself.  To keep believing him.

Blogging every day, listening to English podcasts, and studying an English words book full of new words I haven't known are my hope. Though I was thinking about quitting my job in the near future to make it happen, I might have to stick to my present company. So, after the work restarted, I will post here at the possible weekend.

Peace begins with a smile
Mother Teresa

I'll shower my coworkers with love and affection. I'll put my heart into my work. That is what I can do. And then, weekend blogging is my blissful joy. I'm already very grown up, still...turning over a new leaf, I'll try to become an attractive and charming woman.

Thank you so much for visiting Rose's blog.  Please come again and see my up-and-coming Gotanda life in Tokyo.

Love and Smiles

January 5, 2023

Red-tailed Hawk in Michigan

On New Year's Day, I received this photo from Collie. It seems to have been taken at Orion Oaks when he was trying to walk to stay healthier on December 31. I showed this to my brother. He said, "Wow! What an owl! It must be a rare species."

So I asked Collie, "Is it an owl?? My brother said it must be a rare type of species."

Collie replied, "They are occasionally seem. This one was looking for mice or rabbits...but we, some other people, were surprised to be able to walk near.

I searched and read on the internet that the Red-tailed Hawk is the most common hawk in North America.

No wonder it looked like an owl because...this cutie has a round shape like an owl. My brother says it must be still a rare species even after knowing it's a hawk. Well, let's go with that. American nature is amazing.

January 4, 2023

We couldn't meet again after 5 years.

"I didn't tell you I wasn't coming because....I was not sure myself if maybe I could still come. Even December 30 I was considering and searching tickets from Detroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles..but also I was in bed the 30th with numerous strong symptoms and it occurred to me that I could not manage 14 hours."

The difference between Collie and me on purchasing an airline ticket is, he tries to get it at the last minute, on the other hand, my style is always done a few months beforehand.

The advantage of getting an airline ticket in advance is -
1. Favorable price
2. Both of us are able to make a schedule
I can't stand being waiting, wondering if he'll come or not until the last minute. It's enormously irritating!

On December 31, I received a phone call from a florist near my town who came to my condo for delivery. She said overseas "Collie" ordered a gift for me. I was at my family home to help my mother, and realized he's not coming...

The flower arrangement was redelivered on January 3 after I came back to my condo. A message card was attached to the flowers. It says -

My best wishes to a Rose,
and her family for
this new year of hope.
-with love,   Collie

Why "a" Rose?  I asked Collie later.  He is like,
"Regarding "a" Rose...  I sent your delivery with multiple roses. However, you are an attractive woman. (there are many songs and phrases that refer to a beautiful woman as a rose.) So you are also a type of rose. That is why I wrote you are also a rose."

Collie saw a video massage from me and, "I was a little disappointed that the flowers weren't quite how I expected. Also 3 days late after new years eve. I appreciate her efforts though to deliver before Jan.4."

Though the flower shop closes on Jan.1-3 and open on Jan.4, a florist offered to me that she'd redeliver on Jan.3 after calling me.

Collie knows my taste. He must have imaged an arrangement emphasized roses without greens, big flowers, and carnations. This arrangement is celebrating a New Year in Japanese style. It was different from his image for me, but I appreciate his atempt and each flower. 

On the next day, the big lilies on the left began to bloom. I feel the smell in my room. I was disappointed that he's not coming on this long holidays, it was a great opportunity....

If he could come, seeing in person would have been for the first time, indeed, in 5 years.

Don't cry, "Rose".  You are only one in the world. Not one of them. You can study English you love on this occasion. If you have a passion for something, keep doing that!