May 1, 2023

a graceful photo studio EASE MEGURO & a small cafe wellk

The time seems approaching when I must leave my company. I have quite a few coincidences one after another, like, letting me sense the right time, and it's about time to live, not for the conpamy, but for myself in the near future.

A graceful photo studio EASE MEGURO along the railroad tracks

I don't know if it's from I've been so many years at the head company including years at the subsidiary, but it doesn't feel real yet about leaving my company soon. It's no wonder I feel that way because if the situation at work is good, I also wanted to do my best there another year or possibly more.

a small cafe wellk

I plan on quitting work at the end of December.

Yes! I can organize my thoughts through writing my schedule. Though I might have stayed longer, I shouldn't keep being there for an unfavorable situation at the company. 

Leaving my present working place in an early stage leads to taking good care of myself, and making my dream come true that much earlier.

I still have a dream to stay connected with people at work living in U.S.A.

Instead, here in Japan, I can devote my time to writing in English. I can improve my English skills by myself. I don't have to work until I die from overwork any more.

I will discover the beauty of Japan and introduce it to the world. How fortunate it would be to be able to devote my time to writing!  

I'll be happy if you warmly cheer me on,  Rose

March 25, 2023

Michigan has Northern Lights! Great ones from Mackinac City, Michigan.

Collie took a 4 hour drive to see forecasted Northern Lights. It was an unplanned trip after work. There was a forecast for Northern Lights, then, he decided to get to Mackinac City.

Great lights he never saw. 

Iceland, Norway, and Alaska have these Lights often.  Michigan does, but they are not as bright usually.  He told me that way.

He stayed at the hotel one night there and drove back to the south next morning. He must be sleeping right now. While he was laying down, I am uploading pictures photographed by him. 

March 19, 2023

a restful walking route between Gotanda and Nakameguro alongside Meguro River

I am longing for the weekend. "Which route do I want to enjoy this weekend?"  "What kind of food shall I get?"  I talk to myself when it's almost the weekend.

I was heading to Nakameguro from my town along Yamate-Dori Ave one road away from Meguro River. I seem to prefer walking in the city to nature!?

This restaurant is one of my list to visit. Now, I will change my course to a riverside road to show you how this restaurant looks like from the nature side.

How's that? It has a pretty good taste with a quaint atmosphere. Alright, I will walk along Meguro River from now.

I am at HUIT I wanted to check out!  I'd be glad if you remember I wrote about this restaurant at my previous post.

Unfortunately, I couldn't relax because girls sitting next to me were chatting loudly. The inside of HUIT nakameguro is quite spacious, but the girls are the only ones who talk incessantly... Looking back, I should have asked a waitress if I could change my seat. Actually, the place where so many people were waiting in line wasn't really good.

This is a stylish sandwich house where I made a toast on the day I signed the sales agreement of my condo.  My real estate agency is in Nakameguro. 

There is a German beer restaurant on the same side of the street where I had a lunch on the day my real estate agent took me to my condo I'd been checking online for months. Everything was done in one day, however, it happened because I asked him about my present condo apart from his choices.

Now let's go home walking on the other side of Meguro River. 
When I feel like giving up, I should just look back on how far I've come. "No rain - No flowers." 

He will not let your foot slip - he who watches over you will not slumber     Psalm 121:3


February 12, 2023

Rose seeds with the sun's love far beneath the bitter snows

St.Joseph Catholic Church, Lake Orion, Michigan
God, in the tensions and risks of life, may we choose you and happiness rather than sin and death. Give us a firm trust in you that we can always count on you and that your Spirit will guide us to go the faithful way to you shown us by your beloved Son. Grant this through Christ our Lord.