October 17, 2020

I finished proofreading! I cerebrated it alone at Le Beurre Noisette on Friday night.

It was a beautiful night.

After over half a year of the project, I cerebrated it alone at Le Beurre Noisette. Proofreading was completed today. Our company's Media Data 2021 is going to be published at November 2nd, 2020. I am a person in charge of the booklet and renewing it every year with production collaborators. 

Now cheers, Rose... You really gave it your all for a long time. Good work! I'm sure you did your best.  

I'm hoping the new Media Data will be again a good communication tool with clients as well as a planning tool and a help to increase advertising knowledge for employees of our company.  

French fries in truffle flavor. Big portions for myself. However, almost workers are working from home nowadays. I needed to come to the office for the final check, and later I walked to my favorite cafe. I should cerebrate even if by myself, right? 😘

The staff at Le Beurre Noisette was full of hospitality as always. Though the last call for drinks was 18:30, one of the guy staff offered me my last chance to get one more drink at 18:43. 

Another staff was like, "You can stay as much as you want." and she poured me water several times. Though happy hour was until 18:30, I stayed there before 20:30! 

I laid back, seeing a beautiful city view in the clean and crisp air at night. Thank you...

On the way to Otemachi Station. I saw CAFE GARB bustling with many people. No wonder, it's Friday! 

I'm gonna have to think about my next mission. To develop my ability on the advertising system so I could give coworkers insights. There is a lot of things I should learn from now. Maybe I can do more.

Have a great weekend, everyone.  Rose