May 20, 2024

Jesus, am I eligible for carnations?

Flowers were on the desk in the room I was staying in. He quickly arranged them when he returned to his house for a couple of preparations such as clothing while I was staying at Royal Park Hotel in Rochester. Lovely pink carnations reflect his gentleness to me.

+ + +

That was when I was working at the advertising agency. I had a lunch with a pregnant woman who was at the different department during our lunch break. In connection with the story, I confided to her that I wanted a child, but I cried because I couldn't make it in time. No sooner than I told it, she cracked up, "Hahahahahahaaaaa!!!" 

It hit me hard. I got hurt, but I continued conversation with a smile. She was over the moon after getting pregnant following infertility treatments. I surmise, her mind was "How happy I am!! While there is a woman who can't have a child, I can have a baby! I won!" even if it's unconscious. The misfortune of others tastes as sweet as honey. 

Since then, I'd been left traumatized. After a while, my friend at the same department as me finally got pregnant after infertility treatments. On the grounds of being pregnant, she started working from home and rarely came to the office. I did all her work originally should've been done at the office when I went to the office instead of her. On the day she came to the office for a change, we went for a lunch. When I was at the table with her, I told her what happened when I was talking with another pregnant woman before. I thought that she would understand how hurt I felt, so I confided in her. However, I noticed her smiling happily. Her laughing eyes were full of joy although she didn't burst into laughter like the former pregnant woman. It cut to the core. I expected words of sympathy, "That was tough for you." or "She shouldn't have laughed out loud that way.", but I couldn't hear kind words from the woman I showed kindness to all the time. So one person's tragedy is another person's excitement, after all. Not easy, but I needed to seal off my emotions.

Congratulations again. Good bye, my ex-colleagues I spent a couple meaningful years with. 

+ + +

All mothers are celebrated at Mother's Day Mass. Mothers are blessed on an alter, and women who have never given birth to children are left at Mass seats. Likewise, men are divided into two at Father's Day Mass. 

We are not equal in the sight of God? Do church people know the feelings of someone who wanted a child but couldn't have one? The custom of Mother's/Father's Day at Catholic church was created by humans. Not by God. 

For me, carnations are flowers for Mother's Day. So I feel diffident about being given carnations.  

・Red carnations signify respect and sincere love for mothers in our lives.
・White carnations are displayed in honor of the mothers who are in heaven.
・Pink carnations symbolize a mother's love and are a sign of appreciation.

According to a Christian legend, carnations originally appeared after the Crucifixion of Christ, growing in the spots where the Virgin Mary's tears fell to the earth. 

Jesus, can I receive carnations as a present for me? I'm not a mother, but I think these pink carnations are lovely. 

Then I silently felt the answer came down from above.


I send my blessings to all the mothers on earth and in heaven. There is a life prepared for me. Turning over a new leaf, I have to live my real life to the fullest.

Until my time here is through, Jesus, please be with me.


May 18, 2024

Shopping at meijer in Lake Orion & Peach Dance☆

At this time's visit, I directly headed towards Royal Park Hotel in Rochester, so I will go to Collie's house from now. On the way to the destination, we will get a little groceries♪

Meijer is a supermarket chain started in greenville, Michigan in 1934, and now operates throughout Midwestern United States. The headquarters is in the part of Grand Rapids metropolitan area.

"welcome to your meijer grocery" - How friendlily cute it is! The letters Lake Orion are also likable. I'm drawn towards the organic section. That's awesome😍

While Collie is looking around the store, I look around at various sections in the store with amusement. That always happens. 

This time, I've got 2 peaches💕^^(←He bought them with other foods.)

Peach Dance

I playfully danced with peaches this time. Did it pan out, I wonder. I think so. It must have been funny because he was very happy to see my improvising "Peach Dance".

Please look at 
if you are interested in our former act. 
You can see "Play Ninja!" and "Hide-and-seek" as well as "Potato Dance".

Potato Dance

Sorry that I'm acting strange...   *correction: I'm → we're

Reminiscences of Michigan are still going on.  Please come back to my blog🌷 Good day, Rose

May 13, 2024

MATCHA Cafe MAIKO - There is real matcha soft serve in Michigan!

Collie suggested that we could stop by the store for matcha soft serve. Since I claimed the health benefits of matcha and sent him a can of matcha powder, he tried matcha soft serve for the first time at this cafe. Actually, I have a thing for matcha products and have just tried different matcha soft serve at Haneda Airport before flying to Michigan. Though I knew there was a place to provide matcha soft serve in Troy, I didn't know Collie tried one here. So, why not! 

I ordered soft serve matcha ice cream of PREMIUM MATCHA Cafe MAIKO because I really wanted to enjoy basic matcha in a simple way. How grateful I can taste a rich, high quality, and authentic matcha flavor ice cream in Michigan! It's tasty! (And bigger than the one I had in Japan.) 

Surprisingly, all the products are imported straight from Kyoto, Japan. Uji is a place in the southern part of Kyoto and is renowned for making topnotch, highly nutritious matcha. 

5082 Rochester Rd, Troy, MI 48085, United States

Stores in United States such as San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, New much more. I'm happy as a Japanese. In Michigan, there is only one store in Troy. 

They aim to serve sweats and drinks made in-house as far as possible to maintain safety and high quality. They bring out the best out of authentic matcha from Kyoto, Japan.

Collie looked also curious about other menu items as there are many selections you can make on the menu. As a result, we both ordered matcha soft serve in a cup.

He said that he couldn't eat all of it when he first experienced it here before because the taste was very unique for him. But, he enjoyed all of them this me.

Thank you for having taken notice of the matcha store, Collie. Let's come here again!
By all means, everyone please try and go♪  Rose

May 11, 2024

Newly renovated WHISTLE STOP DINER in Birmingham, Michigan

Since I knew WHISTLE STOP DINER was newly renovated during the coronavirus pandemic, it was my dream to visit it when I can come to Michigan after lifted flight restrictions. As of May 12, 2023, noncitizen visitors to the U.S. got to no longer need to show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Before the pandemic, WHISTLE STOP DINER had been the restaurant I loved very much. So visiting it again was my long-cherished dream.

On June 19, 2023, I was finally able to visit WHISTLE STOP DINER, which had always been in my heart as a warm memory. What is the new diner like? I was excited.

Sandwiches with Coleslaw for Collie

When we entered and took a seat, a waitress came to take the order. I knew her from the Instagram of WHISTLE STOP DINER, but she had an aura that made it hard for me to talk to. So, I remained silent without saying this was my long-awaited visit from Japan. 

His sandwiches looked simple. Collie said to me, like, these were good sandwiches, thank you.   

Omelette with Hash Browns & Toast for Rose

Somehow, I wasn't as impressed as I was when I first ate it. But it was good. 

When I visited the old WHISTLE STOP DINER, I could naturally say that I was from Japan and was looking forward to having this "KURTZY" Omelette" often seen in online photos to the waitress at that time. She was bright, efficient and friendly.

New WHISTLE STOP has an open stylish vibe, while old WHISTLE STOP was a cozy and warm place.

My own memories of old WHISTLE STOP are friendliness, thoughtfulness for customers, and heartfelt welcome... It might be a good old American style. Those traits were suitable for cozy space, but difficult to keep in a spacious space? Maybe coziness doesn't coexist with spaciousness.

After the late lunch, we stepped out and basked in the sun for a while. In retrospect, we weren't in WHISTLE STOP DINER for very long.

These are houses in the immediate vicinity of WHISTLE STOP DINER.

Which do you like, old WHISTLE STOP or new WHISTLE STOP? I asked Collie. He said new one was nice, but he liked that old one was more featuring in the interior, this place was once a whistle stop.

Collie kindly took a photo for me, with WHISTLE STOP DINER in the background. There is expanded patio seating that wasn't there before. 

I was hoping restaurant employees were not looking at me with a derisive expression while I was posing for the picture in front of the restaurant. 

I accept it if they are not very happy about my visit, I don't know if it's because I am Japanese. However, I still think they serve high quality, delicious food and there are more food I'd like to try. So, I'll come back here again during this stay in Michigan. 

The old WHISTLE STOP DINER is in my heart forever.  *Rose*